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Bob Chapman
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    • Bob Chapman
      Bob Chapman reacted to Yorkieguy's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
      The 'film crew' consisted of a cameraman and the producer. They were about to go on air when shots rang out. All three of them were on...
    • Bob Chapman
      Bob Chapman replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      The scaffolding has a lot in common with an Escher painting. The diagonal plank from top left to bottom right appears to turn a corner...
    • Bob Chapman
      Bob Chapman replied to the thread Charnwood drum sander.
      Can’t the bolts be cut shorter?
    • Bob Chapman
      Bob Chapman replied to the thread Charnwood drum sander.
      What's the general opinion of Charnwood stuff? I know it's not top-of-the-range but it looks fairly solidly built.
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