Oscillating spindle sander


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5 Oct 2020
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Happy new year

To be clear, I don’t really want an oscillating spindle sander. I don’t have much space and I really don’t want something heavy I have to move about, plus I have way too many tools and not much money at the moment. But, for some minor but important details on recent projects, I have been mounting a dremel-type tool in my vice and using it like a spindle sander, using the vice jaws as a table, and it made a tricky job with a file and sandpaper, dead easy in principle. But, the spindle is too short, it’s underpowered and it burns very easily.

I saw the Triton portable spindle sander online, which seemed to fit the bill, but they have suddenly been discontinued. Rutlands seem to have a similar or identical model @ £80.

But FFX have the Triton full Monty spindle sander at a good price, just over a hundred quid with the discount code.

Decisions! What would the panel decide?

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Hi - yes I’ve seen those, the one you found is too short, but longer ones can be found I think. I’d have to make a little table for it, and my pillar drill is foot operated, so I’d kind of have to balance with one foot on the floor, one one the drill depth control, and two hands moving my work around on the table, I thought a little oscillating sander might work better. Good thought though.
I have an oscillating bobbin sander and it is the least used piece of machinery I possess.I still wouldn't be without it because for some jobs there is just no substitute.The loose bobbins that go in a drill chuck are sort of OK but the drill won't have been designed to resist sideways forces at a distance from the bearings.Which will bring forward the day when a new drill is needed.So it could be summed up as a choice between buying the correct tool now or replacing the incorrect tool later.
This diy method reduces the lateral load on the pillar drill.

I am not worried about the lateral load on my pillar drill. My pillar drill is the Godzilla of pillar drills. It is taller than me. Just to illustrate, here is a pic of it drilling a hole in the end of a milling machine table.

Rather, I’d like something dainty and small that I can whip out and make accurate and delicate details on moulding plane wedges and things like that, and put away on a shelf when done.

I have been at the point of purchasing a bobbin sander over many years. I have a nice old Carroll bobbin that I use on the pillar drill, but it won't do when I need smaller diameters. I think I should have given in gracefully and bought one years ago. after all they don't take up that much room. :giggle:
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