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23 Feb 2005
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North Wales
I've been having problems over the last 12 months or so with depression. I find it difficult to concentrate on anything too long. My wife has been a godsend and as she wanted some little boxes for raffle prizes I set out to use all of my offcuts and other bits and pieces that I tend to collect.
The larger of the boxes are made from the stile and rails off some kitchen fitments. The wood is ash and I cut off the rebates,glued them together and when they were dry I put them through the planer. To conceal the join I routed a groove and put in a strip of mahogany. The trays inside are also made of mahogany, again offcuts.
The Boxes with the drawers are of mahogany. The mirrors 10p each of a car boot,wish I had bought more.
The drawers and trays are lined with sticky back velvet roll from Axminster.
Being such a small projects when I felt I had to leave it at least I could see some progress






[/img]I hope you like them Alan.
Alan wrote,

I've been having problems over the last 12 months or so with depression. I find it difficult to concentrate on anything too long. My wife has been a godsend

Hi Alan, due to a recurring illness which has in the past made me feel like giving up, I too have suffered from depression, so I feel for you. But luckily again like you I have a wife who is also a godsend. Where they get the strength from I do not know, but she certainly did not know what she was signing up for when she married me. :roll:

Lovely boxes, keep up the good work.


Very sorry to hear of your troubles. One of the hardest parts is admitting to it, which is also the first step on the road to getting better... On a more positive note, these boxes look very well made. :) Some people say that 'keeping busy' is one of the best cures for depression and similar mental illnesses but, as you said at the beginning, it's not always that easy. Great way to use up offcuts and keep the workshop clear though. :wink:
That first one is lovely. Well done. As Olly said, admitting it is the hardest thing. Especially to others. I find it hard to 'get anything done', so you've done very well indeed.

All the best.

Tom (who started he's god send's Jewellery box in early Feb :roll: )
gwaithcoed, depression is a real barsteward of an illness. It has robbed me of quite a lot over the last three or four years, with symptoms reminiscent of yours. I'm probably going to come across as patronising, 'cos I think I'm beating it now, but the ONE thing that has really helped is exercise. Whether that was walking to work for 23 minutes each way, or, better still, hammering out miles on the bike. Woodworking helps too, but I found the changing views theraputic as I commuted on foot or pedalled away in the evening. Have I fully recovered? No, but I'm working on it.

Good Luck and I've got to tell you, that wee set of drawers wrapped round a mirror is the bee's knees, cat's pyjamas and the male dog's gonad holders!

Nice collection of boxes there, and wishing you all the best, perhaps the recent weather change can make things better for you as well.
Depression can be such a beast! Anything you do during an episode can be coloured by the inner critic and it is hard to accomplish anything as nothing is right. But remember It is alright it is just your thoughts that tell you it isn't. Damn flooding of chemicals in the brain and nothing more. Your partner must be happy with the boxes and they will make great prizes. Well done. Remember your not the only one who suffers, learning to cope with depression can be difficult but keep up the good work and when you feel down about your work just remember how chuffed everyone else is about your work and tell that inner voice to shut the hell up and let you get on with it.
Alan, I sympathise with the depression. I've suffered for the best part of a decade, and know how difficult it can be to muster the energy and enthusiasm for a project, but hopefully you are like me, and the satisfaction and distraction of the this hobby will help you.

I really like the boxes, you've done a marvellous job and you should be proud of the results, great work!