Joke Thread III

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Many years ago - when I had a life - I used to organise the travel arrangements for various artists, including Deep Purple.
After one of their Japan trips, Ian Gillan brought my wife and I some gifts as "thank yous", and mine was a really neat Casio calculator. This was very early days, when calculators were rare here, and very expensive to boot.
I remember showing it to my old feller...
"What do I need one of those for, when I've got this?"
"This" was his slide rule....

Courses for courses, as they say.
Thank You.......... Deep Purple............. What do you need that for?........... That's why I'm fu%&ing deff..........Tony

“God, how long is a million years?”​

“To me, it’s about a minute.”

“God, how much is a million pounds?”

“To me, it’s a penny.”

“God, may I have a penny?”

“Wait a minute.”
Tommy Hammer had a terrible st st st st stammer, and eventually his wife said " Tommy I'm over this, what about you go and see a speech pathologist to see if your stammer can be cured?"
Tommy went to a specialist doctor who told him "take off your clothes" when he was undressed the specialist said "I see the problem, you have an extremely large manhood thing and its weight is dragging down on your vocal chord sinews causing the stammer. Now we can probably fix that problem by removing a piece of your manhood thing, thereby lightening the load on your vocal chords. What do you think of that?" Tommy replied " Ma ma my wife sa sa said do wa wa whatever has to be da da done".
A few months after the successful operation and Tommy now speaking perfectly, his wife say's " Tommy darling I'm really missing that piece of your manhood thing that the doctor removed and I'd actually prefer you how you were, stammer and all, do you think you could see if he could replace it?". "I'll go and ask him" say's Tommy, "you never know, he may have stored it in the fridge". The next morning Tommy fronted up at the surgery and asked the Doctor " Is there any chance of getting that section of my manhood thing that you removed sewn back on?" To which the Doc replied "Sa sa sa sa Sorry!"
Talking of air hostesses, there's a TV ad for Virgin being shown at present, with "lookalikes" as passengers and staff.
(No, I don't see the point either, but....)
You have Prince mincing up the aisle as a steward, Billy Jean King and the bald drag queen bloke as seated passengers, but my Mrs assures me that the pilot, and the couple with the luggage at the start of the ad, are "celebrities" as well.
Are they?
Many years ago - when I had a life - I used to organise the travel arrangements for various artists, including Deep Purple.
After one of their Japan trips, Ian Gillan brought my wife and I some gifts as "thank yous", and mine was a really neat Casio calculator. This was very early days, when calculators were rare here, and very expensive to boot.
I remember showing it to my old feller...
"What do I need one of those for, when I've got this?"
"This" was his slide rule....

Courses for courses, as they say.
Slide rules were good for 'crib notes', formulas written inside under the slide!
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