Hi from Cheltenham


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17 Oct 2023
Reaction score
Cheltenham, UK
Quick hello as a new forum member and a new woodworker :). By day I work as a digital product designer with my spare time now spent dreaming of overambitious fine furniture projects. I'm in the process of converting a single garage into a workshop with the aim of building all of the shop furniture from scratch to learn 'on the job'.

I attended a great power tools course at The Makershed in Bristol which gave me enough confidence to buy a few toys with an appreciation for how to use them safely. I'd highly recommend their courses by the way if you're in the area. Having produced a stool to sit on for head scratching I've started work on a basic mobile workbench, the plan being to build two with one acting as an MFT.


Makershed stool project
Mobile workbench build
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Welcome to the forums, there are plenty of good workbench threads if you do a search and as many differing ideas. You will also find plenty of reviews on tools and such which can be a real money saver because hopefully you don't make some of the mistakes of others. What jointing methods are you using on that bench, you say a power tools course so I would assume not M&T's ?
Welcome, workshop looks good. Making your shop furniture to practice is very sensible, and a decent bench with good work holding will make all future jobs easier.


Ps do as I say not as I do, my workbench was started 7 years ago and I’m just getting back to it after completing most of the pieces we needed for the house.