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Surely those 30MPH signs are minimum speeds?
And paulrbarnard, you maybe will change your tune when you are waiting for knee surgery and can only walk a matter of yards or for some people not at all.
The nearest bus stop is about 1/2 mile with very infrequent bus service and we do not have bus lanes, single track roads. We are lucky that the train station is only a mile away but again far too far for me to walk. I would also not be surpised if the majority of those using cycle lanes also own a car.
With all these defective lights and other issues, the governments response is to increase the time between MOT’s to two years. Utter madness. 30% of 1st time MOT’s fail. At least now we have some hope of catching the defects in a year.
People driving using their mobiles annoys me so much when I am driving, that I throw my beer at them!

Seriously though. Largely thanks to Theresa May, who is to British policing what Beeching is/was to British railways, the poor old plod is too thin on the ground and burdened with lots of bumph. They are forced to focus on major things at the expense of dealing with lesser matters.
No ones mentioned the electric scooter, the ones now used by dealers to distribute their wares. No issues with defective lights here as they don't have them and for the majority what is wrong with using their legs.

1. Electric scooters other than the rental ones are illegal. They can and do get confiscated
2. Electric rental scooters have lights and a numberplate
3. What is wrong with using their legs? same could be said for the people who drive a ~1ton of car on 1 mile or less trips
Don't you remember, their mothers carried them around until they were about 5 years old, their legs can't do anything other than kick a football.

You have to stand on an electric scooter which requires the use of legs.
If the alternative is a car you are seated and normally have an additional 3 or 4 seats you cart around with you just in case some other people also want a seat (although around 60% of car journeys are done by sole occupant).

The push for electric cars in my mind has got the point entirely wrong. They are simply adding EV to normal hulking great vehicles. Things like the Twizy and the Ami (although admittedly too slow for extra urban) make much more sense for commuting car for a large proportion of the uk. Electric bikes and scooters if used properly will also be a great addition.

Will it work for everywhere? no of course not as I for one live in a rural area but even that doesn't make it impossible. I used to commute 20 miles each way and if I still did I would buy a Twizy as I always drove alone and you can't go faster than 50mph on the roads i took anyway. Looking back it made absolutely no sense to drive a 5 seater car wasting a gallon of fuel a day. That was literally burning one of the plastic jerry cans of fuel a day to get to work!
Cars with fog lights that come on instead of the indicator is a biggie
Are you talking about the front fog light? I've never seen a fog light come on instead of an indicator but a lot of modern cars turn on the fog light on the side you are turning at low speed as a feature. e.g Front Fog lights with Cornering function - Car Terms | SEAT

My old bmw used to have the front indicator come on if the sidelight bulb was out but I think that was a safety feature perhaps?
Surely those 30MPH signs are minimum speeds?
And paulrbarnard, you maybe will change your tune when you are waiting for knee surgery and can only walk a matter of yards or for some people not at all.
The nearest bus stop is about 1/2 mile with very infrequent bus service and we do not have bus lanes, single track roads. We are lucky that the train station is only a mile away but again far too far for me to walk. I would also not be surpised if the majority of those using cycle lanes also own a car.
I’ve had two knee surgeries…
Just keep in mind that everyone in a car is traffic and contributes to congestion. Even one person taking the bus or cycling or walking removes a very significant amount of additional traffic when looking at the physical road occupancy. Even if cars only drove with four occupants they are still largely inefficient in terms of space utilisation, to say nothing of storage if private property in public spaces. How many roads do you know that are reduced to single track because of parking?
Not around here. It's not uncommon to see two young children on one, but they are from a protected minority, people who don't actually travel. The police don't touch them.
is it any different to having a backie on a bmx back in the day? 🤷‍♂️

Electric scooter statistics: UK in 2022 some interesting stats. - 3,987 were confiscated by the Metrolpolitan Police last year (2021). I guess it depends on resources and whether it's actually causing an issue.
Around here buses often run around with less than four passengers and the nearest City has roads reduced to single lanes by cycle lanes, often with no cyclist using them. Disregarding passenger cars the impact of narrow roads is a big problem for lorries and vans, which aren't going to go away anytime soon.
I agree that it makes no sense for a large car to travel with one person but until small cars or other one person vehicles are available at a low enough price there is no other solution.
I'll add to our moans - being my age I feel I need to act like an old codger.
Too many ageists on here complaining about the younger people on their electric scooters - until the day I need one (I hope it will be at least 10 years away) I want to ban mobility scooters that travel faster than 3 mph unless they are restricted to the road - and all of them should have 3rd party insurance. Here in mobility scooter heaven (why do older people retire to seaside towns?) we have to jump about avoiding these things as the riders seem to target pedestrians and the large ones for road use take up half the pavement.
I also want reversing vehicles to have their bleeping things restricted to a sensible volume.
To top it all I want an extremely high tax on cars over a certain weight and dimension, even with a family we used to manage in saloon cars and didn't need to use tanks to drive kids half a mile to school.
1. Electric scooters other than the rental ones are illegal. They can and do get confiscated
2. Electric rental scooters have lights and a numberplate
3. What is wrong with using their legs? same could be said for the people who drive a ~1ton of car on 1 mile or less trips

You have to stand on an electric scooter which requires the use of legs.
If the alternative is a car you are seated and normally have an additional 3 or 4 seats you cart around with you just in case some other people also want a seat (although around 60% of car journeys are done by sole occupant).

The push for electric cars in my mind has got the point entirely wrong. They are simply adding EV to normal hulking great vehicles. Things like the Twizy and the Ami (although admittedly too slow for extra urban) make much more sense for commuting car for a large proportion of the uk. Electric bikes and scooters if used properly will also be a great addition.

Will it work for everywhere? no of course not as I for one live in a rural area but even that doesn't make it impossible. I used to commute 20 miles each way and if I still did I would buy a Twizy as I always drove alone and you can't go faster than 50mph on the roads i took anyway. Looking back it made absolutely no sense to drive a 5 seater car wasting a gallon of fuel a day. That was literally burning one of the plastic jerry cans of fuel a day to get to work!
Here the Twizzy and the Ami are known as "organ donor cars"..you do not want to be in one in an accident at all.

leccy scooters are being banned in many french cities and towns..Paris just voted a ban for the rentable ones.
Here the Twizzy and the Ami are known as "organ donor cars"..you do not want to be in one in an accident at all.

leccy scooters are being banned in many french cities and towns..Paris just voted a ban for the rentable ones.
yeah because everyone drives bigger and bigger cars. It's literally an arms race of who has the biggest car wins. We've created a society that has accepted that if you don't have a large car then it's your fault if you get killed. There is some interesting youtube history vids on how the american automobile industry managed to create 'Jay walking'. It couldn't possibly be the cars fault for running a person over it must be the person trying to cross from one side of the road to the other.

So many stories about how terrible the death toll of e-scooters is (10 in the uk in 2021) and how they should be banned, whilst neatly ignoring all the fatalities from cars.

Whilst I try not to be drawn down too many conspiracy theory holes it's not hard to see that there is a lot of money in the automobile industry that they don't want to lose if everyone buys tiny little efficient cars that they can't charge a premium for or replaces their car with a bike/scooter, and there are a lot of politicians who are happy to listen to them.
My "pet hate" re "modern cars" leccy or otherwise. The always on LED ultra bright running lights that are at eye level, when oncoming, or in your rear view mirror or side mirrors dazzling you and killing your night ( and even day ) vision.
When LED running ( side ) lights were an after market "boy racer/ customiser" "add on", they were fitted low down.You could see them from afar ( good ) but they didn't blast their super nova brightness into your eyeballs via your rear view mirror or side mirrors when they were behind you at traffic lights or in traffic queues or worse still traffic jams.
You can adjust your rear view mirror to avoid being blinded by the eye level ones ( some rear view mirrors are auto adjusting ) , but you can't do the same with side mirrors.Staring into LEDs is very bad ( long and short term ) for eyes, so why the f do modern cars have them where you can't avoid eye damage and temporary dazzling from the car behind when in traffic...Aaaaargh..

The day I meet a modern car designer responsible for this, there'll be kickins.

they even make it a selling point.
"Our car has lights that look like lions teeth" say Pug..they don't a say " and they'll blind the driver of the car in front because we made them go all the way up to the bonnet line".

And modern Land / Range Rovers and other Chelsea tractors, if I had a rear facing bazooka, I'd learn 'em, with their LED search lights in my eyes in my side mirrors.

Meldrew moment.
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Here the Twizzy and the Ami are known as "organ donor cars"..you do not want to be in one in an accident at all.
Isn’t that because the other road users weigh well over a ton and frequently exceed the speed limits? Not too sure two Twizzies colliding will cause as big an issue.

As mentioned elsewhere in the thread why do people think they need a multi ton SUV to drive the kids one mile to school?
I have driven a Twizzy and an Ami ( I once owned a Messerschmidt kabin roller, red plexi hard top ), I felt safer in the Messerschmidt. I wouldn't like to be hit by anything heavier than a fieldmouse or a sparrow in a Twizzy* or an Ami.. But I do agree with the point about modern cars being heavy and invariably driven waaay too fast by people who think they are all alone on their private racetrack, especially here, french are appalling drivers, ( even the police, the gendarmes and the driving school instructors ) far worse than Italians, on a par with North Africans.

* In a Twizzy the things can even fly in the sides at you :eek:
Re "driving kids to school" ..When I was in the UK a good mate in the police told me that when they do traffic stops near schools they find that around half of the "moms" driving have no licence, because of the "honey, can you take the kids to school", "Honey" rarely drives far, so either doesn't get a licence, or tries , but fails multiple times.But drives short distances anyway, because "what can happen" and "I need to drive the kids " etc.

Mates here in the gendarmerie say the same applies here in France, most drivers on the "school run" do not have driving licences, and drive and park like they are all alone on the road, putting the lives of everyone else in danger, including their own kids, other people's kids and other pedestrians and drivers.Especially in the way they double and triple park near the school so that their lil' darlings don't have to walk an extra metre.

When caught in a "licence control", their excuse is "but I don't drive far, only to the shops or to the school and anyway I have to drive, so I have no choice", to which they add loudly "the traffic ticket is totally unjust" as is any subsequent fine.
Well, now I have a senior citizens railcard or whatever it is called, I have been taking the train to my daughter to do her DiY. Even carrying some 8-foot lengths of board and a stack of L-Boxxs I have managed to do it on public transport - albeit with some strange looks. No jobsworth has yet banned me.

As for French drivers - I blame Alain Prost.

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