greenhouse, glasshouse, garden room, conservatory, crystal palace

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New Luddism. Awake and resist!
7 Jul 2010
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Looking to build a glasshouse extension. Not a flimsy off the peg greenhouse, more architectural glasshouse than garden room perhaps, in so far there is any difference!
Looking for leads, links, design details etc.
Have ordered "Glasshouses" Fiona Grant for starters.
Is this erection for growing stuff or just a sun lounge?
Reason for asking is that most of the latter I have seen are hellishly cold in winter and require £££'s of blinds in summer to reduce the tropical temperature....
Marston and Langinger Conservatories, is well worth a look. Even if just to see how the other half live. :giggle:
Looking to build a glasshouse extension. Not a flimsy off the peg greenhouse, more architectural glasshouse than garden room perhaps, in so far there is any difference!
Looking for leads, links, design details etc.
Have ordered "Glasshouses" Fiona Grant for starters.
What does ones house/palace/castle look like?
What does the house/palace/castle look like?
60s dump. No architectural merit at all.
I want to add a greenhouse type extension to the garage/workshop, but better than off the peg.
It could be worse, a 70's dump or much much worse a new build ! I think if you have a proper cut roof and not these flimsy pre made trused roofs then just be happy.
It could be worse, a 70's dump or much much worse a new build ! I think if you have a proper cut roof and not these flimsy pre made trused roofs then just be happy.
Yes got a proper roof with purlins, neatly converted into an attic room, so it's not all bad!
Looking at your links and others - what I want is a "conservatory" apparently. Mainly for use as single glazed greenhouse but with double doors from garage/workshop for other occasional uses. Wondering about getting concrete floor and low walls built then me doing timber and glass. Now wondering about detail design. For years I've kept an off-cut from a Victorian greenhouse roof glazing bar which is very neat and I fancy replicating it.
Glazing bars for a conservatory can be bought quite readily on the net, one example:

This is one I built some forty years ago
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A conservatory made with wood and detailed looks a lot better than a UPVC one but also consider what aspect it will face as they can get very hot in summer.

When we had a conservatory it was just to hot in summer so purchased some rolls of this reflective tape that according to the bumph just slid into the cavities on the polycarb sheets. Yes it did work wonders and reduced the temperature, it was not cheap and did not just slide into the voids. We had to use a hoover to get a string down each cavity and tie it to the tape using hole punch and then pull it through and with 18 cavities per sheet and 9 sheets it was not fun.
The Conservatory shown in post 10 is all hardwood with a glass roof, built on the North face of the house, all glass is 28mm double glazed windows and 12mm double glazed roof (due to weight), its CH so we can use it all year. If you look at the left hand side you can make out where one of the roof units has blown.
Having once worked in a walled kitchen garden with Victorian wooden glasshouses all I can say is think very carefully about access for maintenance/painting
Having once worked in a walled kitchen garden with Victorian wooden glasshouses all I can say is think very carefully about access for maintenance/painting
Well yes especially the roof. That's what's interesting about the glazing bar sample I've saved - it will allow you to rest a board over for access. I'll see if I can find it and post a snap.

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