Folding workbench bargain

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Established Member
6 May 2005
Reaction score
East Sussex
Hi all

A surprise at Asda yesterday.

Dakota folding workbench for a fiver, check it out, it is quite sturdy and manouverable, got it just in time, me old B&D was on the blink.
Not here in Ipswich, or maybe too late. They have it at £10 + £6 del in the webstore.

Looked for comparison in other sheds' web sites. Found today's joke: Click here

25mm workbench? The 25mm is the size of the legs! Focus clearly have only boz-eyed cack-handed office-bound twonk to write their web site.

"For easy storage unassembled size is XXX" The twonk thinks you should disassemble it for storage. :roll:

"Easy to assemble" Although twonk hasn't done so; the photo is that of the box it comes in, not the workbench itself. #-o
I got mine from the brighton marina store.

I never knew Asda would sell this type of thing, until I saw a woman with one on her trolley, I asked an attendant where were they, and he said "oh they are in a sale , we only have a few left", and he pointed me to it, there were 5 on the shelf, I was well chuffed my best buy.