Dream lathe


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This is a bit like dream cars. If cost is eliminated as a constraint the temptation is to go for the most expensive, fastest, gizmo equipped model I can find.

But in truth I would buy none of these even as a lottery rollover winner. It just seems somehow pointless and wasteful, and who wants to be labelled as the bloke with a lot more money than sense or taste.

So it is with lathes and other workshop equipment. I don't want to turn tree trunks. What I would like is a lathe with a proper variable speed, 12" over the bed, able to rotate the headstock with proper tool rest.

A Record CL4 would probably fit the bill fine.
I spent 3 days with Tobias Kaye a few years ago when he was still teaching. 3 days on a VB 36. A wonderful machine. He had photos of the bathtub he turned on one of his. A bit big for pen turning.
phil.p":29ltyzdr said:
VB36s? The pro turner at our club used one, and another member owned one - and neither would touch another with a barge pole.

I've had my VB for the best part of 15 years now and love it! I have yet to come across a project that I couldn't turn on it and touch wood I haven't had any problems with it. It's a daily runner and manages all the abuse that I put it through. For spindle work I have an old wadkin that I've modernised with a variable speed setup.
Different strokes for different folks.
I have the Maxi 1 which i find capable of everything I ask of it but sometime feel guilty for not using my ML8 much anymore.

My dream lathe would, I guess be a Harrison Graduate, completely refurbished in British Racing Green with a go faster stripe, bed extension and variable speed.

Fantasy I know, and a largely aesthetic choice, but I first had a go turning on the Graduate at school and, for me, it remains the classiest styling of any lathe out there. I would miss the swiveling head-stock on the Maxi though...
Just Something with 2hp would be good, I want to turn larger stuff and my axi awsl900 says NO !
I am looking to buy a new lathe. I had a Tyme Avon but sold it when my garage was demolished as part of building an extension. The Avon was great to learn on, but I'd like electronic speed control, indexing, a larger swing and more weight. So I've been dreaming... I'm fortunate that budget is not really an issue, but don't want to go mad. I always prefer quality over price when I make big purchases. I've been looking at the Axminster trade series, but would appreciate any advice. I am, at the end of the day, a hobbyist.

I am quite happy with my existing ones, a Viceroy with full length bed and a graduate bowl lathe. I have just recently bought a bed etc for my graduate so will soon have 2 nice beasts ( Thanks Tudor !!), I can no longer justify keeping my old ML8 now, it will have to go - shame really, after over 30 years I feel very attached to it. I find it quite hard to sell tools, even ones I don't use, but the ML8 really will have to go.
