Best place to buy wood

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Established Member
23 Oct 2021
Reaction score
Hull, England, UK
Any ideas where the best place to buy wood from is? Im talking for woodwork not construction. Oak, walnut, beech, hardwoods, exotics etc for general woodworking projects.

I do usually try and use the charity wood recycling scheme near me but its hit and miss wether they have anything quality, decent or the right size at the time.

Kind Regards... Rob
For oak Scawton Sawmill is about the best value vs quality in my opinion. They are about 1.5hrs from you, i often load up on my way back from my mum in Nottinghamshire to Aberdeen.
You could try Burnetts timber in Hull not far from B&Q Clough Road, Things may have changed but when i worked there they always had a good stock of both soft and hard woods.
I buy most of mine from Somerscales, as Doug says huge range and reasonable prices. Well worth a visit but you will need to call to make an appointment to sort out what you want.
I'm sure there used to be a list (like a spreadsheet) of merchants on this site, with a few notes about there specialities. I don't know how to find it, anyone know??