A decent fence for table saws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Thanks Steve - done.

And now back to topic, despite the now current diversion onto molecular weights thanks to Peter!!

What is interesting is that there has been no input on DIY fences nor what I would perhaps classify as economical options. This would rather suggest that most equipment comes with an adequate fence and there is a limited market unless you're a super geek and have deep pockets.

The fence on my Delta bandsaw is abysmal - not sure what to try and do about that yet.
I've not long had my table saw (TS200) so I'm still reasonably happy with the fence. I might get around to changing it at some point in the future when (if) it no longer does what I need it to.
I like to make my own fences, drill tables etc... But the bandsaw I have would need a properly machined front 'rail' or maybe a threaded bar across it. For the amount that I use the fence (Usually for initial ripping, in the absence of a table-saw) it wouldn't be worth the bother.

I like to use 'Tufnol' or sheet aluminum for such projects, so they also turn out to be 'not cheap'!

So that's me back on topic of swatble :oops: table-saw fences..


We can always organise some suitable chastising if that's what !! Wasn't meant to be such :roll: But you were right, the thread did deserve some light relief !

Given that many of our 'tool' suppliers import stuff from the states I'm surprised that none appear to import the Biesemeyer fences, I would have thought that there would be a market (although quite small).
Having read this thread on replacement after market fences, I would like to comment that I too have in the past had problems with sourcing aftermarket fences for saws and ended up making my own T-bar style fences with some success. Although fairly easy to manufacture it requires a little engineering and metal work skill which I appreciate some woodworkers would rather avoid.

I feel though there is a huge gulf in the range of saws missing from our market, either we have the cheap bench top models for about £150 then up to about £600 for the entry level cabinet saw. (assuming saw benches rather than bandsaws but applies to them equally) Then from around 2-3 grand and upwards. There are of course saws priced between these ranges but they just appear to have little bolt on gimmicks rather than an improvement in the saw itself.

Most of us suffer from the same problem, lack of space, this being the case a saw of bench top size with a decent motor, trunnions, cast top, blade guard/riving knife, handwheels and decent fence etc would, I am sure appeal to most users because of its compact size with reliable and quality build. With this would come many after market accessories to customize or improve the base version. Some of the fences on these cheap saws just seem an accident waiting to happen.

Just an opinion.
As Steve Maskery has mentioned about a shop build fence in FWW. It was in issue Jan/Feb 1988. If you would like a photocopy/scan of the artical, PM me.
