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  1. R

    What Polyurethane for steering wheel veneer, please?

    Hi all, so I saved some coins and bought a nice steering wheel for my old P38 Range Rover, but it's cracked, and I would like to repair it before fitting. I have read guides online saying to use Polyurethane Clear Gloss, however those are American guides and I'm confused as to an equivalent I...
  2. R


    Greetings all ) So I'm not a woodworker, I work mainly with metal. I made this box, you can see its assembly is amatuerish, but the concept is pretty I think. I transplanted the chrome from this Helix 4636 and really just copied the box It has high quality speakers, Visaton B200...
  3. R

    track saw with the deepest cut depth

    Hi all ) so I had a festool TS75, the big one, but I got rid of it becuse it was too big, and bought the small lidl tracksaw. I kept the festool track to use witrh the lidl saw. The blade on it wont rip-cut, so I bought this blade for it yesterday It got me thinking, of the smaller...
  4. R

    structural wood for a truck box body

    Hi all. So I'm building a camper box for my 4x4 truck. I bought an ex-asda fridge box. Its too big, so I'm going to cut it apart and use the panels to make a smaller box. This box is joined at the edges using extruded aluminium. This is fine for a fridge unit but I'm making a camper and I want...
  5. R

    garden bench for the summer months

    Hi all, good morning to you. I dont see newbie section so I'll put this in here. We want a garden bench, so I said, okay, I'll throw one together, get it done fast, it'll be grand. So I made that, which you can see below. But then the problem formed in my head, that's not pretty enough dammit...
  6. R

    kerfing MDF, how much material to leave?

    hi all I want to kerf some 18mm mdf. I had a go at it over the weekend, but I left to much material, i think i left maybe 4mm, and it didnt work right, kinda crumpled instead of a smooth bend as there was too much material left. so can i ask real quick, how much material should i be leaving...
  7. R

    where can I buy a Porter-Cable 560 Quikjig?

    Okay ill admit it, I just think its awesome looking and I want to play with it, end of. The only thing is, on, shipped from the States, including import duties, its nearly 300 euros! Thats painful in any language, considering what it does.... its a hole for a screw. A very fancy...
  8. R

    irregular wardrobe

    Hi all it seems this is the place i could put this so here goes. I'm about to build an irregularly shaped wardrobe. I have not done this before and I'm not sure how successful I will be, but I'm enthused about it, it seems like an interesting thing to try and do. We live in a small house. Its...
  9. R

    do i need a table saw?

    Hi all. Oughta start by sawing I'm not a woodworker, or carpenter, or anywhere even close. I do a lot of work with metal, and am fairly competent, though lacking a bit in finesse. I shelved my shed lately, ill add a pic of that to show something I've done lately. my girlfriend showed me the...