Good effort considering your starting material source, don't worry too much about shape or form on your first efforts beyond keeping the shapes within an easy tool manipulation envelope.
One thing that you can do as your develop a feel for your preferred forms or embark on a particular project is to concentrate on the surface finish, reducing any tool marks to a minimum and sanding out any that do make it through the shaping process.
Regardless of whether anybody likes your piece from a shape or particular preference if the surface finish is perceived to be good then they can never criticise that aspect at least.
It's to that end that I say previously don't make things too difficult by intentionally making tool access awkward, it's inevitable that you will try something that proves difficult, just don't get fixated by the problem and go off on a tangent trying to fix it. Come back to things you can do in a free flowing manner and perfect them, there's nothing like practise on the simpler forms to get the feel for the tools.