Excellent new book on hide glue


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Paul Chapman

Established Member
26 Jan 2006
Reaction score
Bookham, Surrey
If you want to know all about hide glue, its history and use, there's an excellent new book that's just been published. It's called "Hide Glue, Historical and Practical Applications" and written by Stephen A Shepherd.

It's available from Joel Moskowitz at Tools for Working Wood http://www.toolsforworkingwood.com/Merc ... y_Code=TFO

My copy arrived this morning and although I've only had a chance to scan it, it looks like an excellent book.

Cheers :wink:


Those long winter nights must just fly :wink: :wink: :lol:

A Book on glue I'd understand, but on one single type of glue? How many pages?
You lot may laugh but it's a very good book by someone who really knows what he's talking about. It's 133 pages - that's a lot of glue :shock: :lol:

Cheers :wink:

A Book on glue I'd understand, but on one single type of glue?

Ah, but hide glue isn't just any old glue.... I've started to use it recently and am amazed at how good it is, how many ways there are to use it, and how many different properties it can have with different additives etc. The only trouble is the smell, and a slight feeling of guilt about the poor creatures that went into it.....

I'm not at all surprised that someone has found a books worth of material about it - I think I might buy it myself....



I have a book on glue but I just can't get into it :wink:

Thanks paul thanks for posting. Marcus they dont put the animals in alive when they make the glue 8)
I'm afraid musical instrument makers (at least some of them) obsess about the stuff. Over the years I've gone from PVA and Cascamite to virtually 100% Hide glue use. I'll never go back either. I'm almost convinced it results in tighter joints - either that or it raises the grain less than either PVA or Cascamite.
Marcus, the high clarity stuff has very little odour. Probably what most people refer to as Hide glue is actually Bone glue. Hide glue is usually light in colour and usually has a higher gram strength than Bone glue. I think the Liberon stuff is Bone glue - not that there is anything wrong with it, it just acts a little different to the Hide glue.
marcus":26efaidz said:
The only trouble is the smell, and a slight feeling of guilt about the poor creatures that went into it.....

Ah, but for us old carnivores, the smell is part of the attraction - takes me back to schooldays and local wheelwright/carpenter's shop. And as a meat eater, it pleases me to think the inedible bits aren't going to waste. :)
On the downside, there was apparently the tradition that apprentices were made to "kiss the joiner's daughter" by having a gluey brush shoved in their mouth :(

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