Crazy world??

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Established Member
26 Jun 2005
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grimsby Humberside
Is it me or has the world got it's priorities wrong? It seems the most important headlines in the news are in the Big Brother house! I have no interest at all in this program but still seem to get it rammed down my throat on a regular basis. Surely with all the poverty, wars, terror and climate worries there is more to fill our information channels than this rubbish??? Talk about couch potato! :evil:
mailee":2r56zglv said:
Is it me or has the world got it's priorities wrong? It seems the most important headlines in the news are in the Big Brother house! I have no interest at all in this program but still seem to get it rammed down my throat on a regular basis. Surely with all the poverty, wars, terror and climate worries there is more to fill our information channels than this rubbish??? Talk about couch potato! :evil:

I've never watched the programme, well certainly not more than two minutes. It is of no interest to me whatsoever. I believe it's the BBC's way of gloating, the only problem is it draws even more attention to this dreadfull programme. Yes there are certainly more newsworthy items to report on that this rubbish. :roll:
I never watch any reality TV of any sort, at any time.....completely banned in this house and I have the ultimate power of the 'off' button - Rob
Same here,never watch reality TV,soaps etc.
But NTLWorld (my homepage) headlines always seems to be about Big Brother rather than anything interesting or news related :(

......including soaps (Cori, emmerdale, bill, east whatereveritis, holby etc). I often hear that people say that soaps are a reflection of real life and air important issues.......but when the tsunami struck a while ago, I wonder how many saw a collection bucket on the bar of the Queen Vic?...I didn't see a collection of any sort and correct me if I'm wrong, but it wasn't even mentioned in passing (there are some occasions when I have to endure soaps). Kick all reality (maybe with the exception of 'Strictly') and soaps into Room 101....its so good to have a rant on my birthday :lol: - Rob
I agree with much of what has been so far as reference to the responses from the tabloid newspapers go.

I do think that there is the wider issue, as has been discussed in the broadsheets, of the questionable policy of Channel 4 and Endemol (the Big Brother programme producers) in deliberately manipulating the whole issue of racism and intolerance for the sole purpose of increasing viewing figures. That, and the wimpish attitude of Ofcom who, in my view, should have stepped in. 40,000+ complaints suggests to me that, by their inaction, Ofcom need to reconsider their objectives and priorities.
Hi Mailee,
Glad you mentioned this. Sky News have really annoyed me by banging on about a programme I have never watched, containg, it would seem some 'so called' celebrities (Never heard any of the names mentioned, ever) :evil: :evil: :evil:

Why should anyone give tuppence about what they did or didn't say on the programme, quoting viewer numbers is irrelevant.

But Channel 4 directors must be loving it, such a cheap show to produce and they've managed to get viewing numbers up. What do they care about racist remarks, they only care about viewer numbers.

I really wanted to see what effects the recent hurricanes had on the areas where my familly live, what do I get, rubbish about some petty TV programme. It's not right, I'm going to write to Rupert M about this. :evil: :evil:
I think a lot of the problem is down to the emergence of 24 hour news programmes. There isn't 24 hours-worth of news on most days so they keep reporting these futile stories as if they are news and that is starting to change news programmes for the worse.

Wouldn't have happened in the good old days when there was only one TV channel - blimey, showing my age :oops: :lol:

Cheers :wink:

Happy Birthday Rob!!!!!!!! :D

Yep. These so called reality t.v. shows are just legal human experimentation that wouldn't be allowed if practiced in secret then discovered by the world media. There would be shock horror tales in the press. 'How can they play with people's minds like that???' :shock:

However, put it on a t.v. show & 'Hey, did you see what they made them do last night???' It says a lot when channel 4 offer to give participants 'therapy for as long as they need it.' Proves to me that it seriously messes with their heads. The whole thing is a sick joke to me.

So nice to have a good rant, even if it's NOT my birthday.

cheers sliver.
MP's debating "Big Brother'' in the commons, all must be well in the world. Did I miss our lads coming back from Iraq? Were the storms a figment of my immagination? Is the crisis in the health service resolved, inflation under control and crime falling? I thought not. The worlds gone mad!!
Rant over

Richard S":2n2mca7t said:
MP's debating "Big Brother'' in the commons, all must be well in the world. Did I miss our lads coming back from Iraq? Were the storms a figment of my immagination? Is the crisis in the health service resolved, inflation under control and crime falling? I thought not. The worlds gone mad!!
Rant over


I think i`ll most probably land up killing myself before i`m an OAP.
Bloody countries are useless.I could do a better job, at running britian then Tony Blair.
Had a really great day...many thanks to all....Irish Coffee's have been fantastic.....'specially what's left of the bottle that SWIMBO bought today - Rob
cant imagine the boredum

people sat in a house , watching people sat in a house

utter cr*p

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