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  1. H

    Wooden Pallets (help not sure if i should use them)

    Hello Greek Enigma, You might also like to look at Ultimate Handyman forums - Not only about woodwork but painting and decorating, plumbing and electrics etc. David :)
  2. H

    Advice Needed For Choosing Replacement TS Blade...

    Out of politeness, I thought I should come back and report that I eventually bought a Freud Pro 40 tooth blade. I'm very pleased with it and would recommend. David :)
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    Advice Needed For Choosing Replacement TS Blade...

    Thanks Matthew and all others who have contributed to this thread :) As I'm sixty-seven and suffering with a heart condition, I only work slowly and occasionally, so I won't need ten blades - LOL. However, the Pro-Trade PT254/30 for £26:03 seems like a good proposition which I'll definitely...
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    Advice Needed For Choosing Replacement TS Blade...

    Please try not to laugh too loudly but I own a Ryobi table saw - I haven't got the manual to hand but I think the model number may be: ETS1526AL. The fact is that I can't properly justify replacing the whole thing and, having carried out a few tweeks, it will just about do what I want it to do...
  5. H

    Pillar Drill and Speed?

    I bought mine from B&Q a few years ago for about £40 and, like some others on this thread, set a speed when I first had it and have never altered it since. In fact, I've long since forgotten what speed it's set at. Given that the others are experts and I'm definitely not, this thread has been...
  6. H


    Wonderful and thanks for sharing :)
  7. H

    Bosch blades at B&Q

    As an amateur, I agree with you. Like big electrical and computer stores, B&Q and its like are now solely interested in profits and I invariably feel that I need to do research online before buying from them for fear of being ripped off. Some of the prices they charge for accessories such as...
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    Buying wood over the internet

    I ordered a quantity online from Wickes and definitely wouldn't do again. While most of it was of similar quality to that which I would have picked myself in store, some of it was simply awful with bends and twists and I threw it away. In retrospect, I think I should have complained but at the...
  9. H

    Why is my table saw jamming

    Before doing any shimming, find out whether it's the blade or the fence which is out of line. You'll probably find it's the fence and as I've said, see if it's flexing.
  10. H

    Why is my table saw jamming

    Especially with thin sheet materials, make sure that the material you're cutting maintains contact with the table, otherwise it could be the lead edge jamming against the slot that the blade comes up through. I also have a Ryobi table saw and have experienced this problem. I also noticed that...
  11. H

    Regrettable tools

    A set of JML screw extractors. I find these are totally useless, as they work like a drill in reverse and instead of gripping the screw head they drill into it.