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  1. xtian170174

    Removing intumescent paint from a fire door

    Here I've had a go up a 6" wide edge of a fire door using a heat gun, soon finding it very arduous, certain to trigger the symptoms of spondylosis if spending longer - not to mention expense with a 2kW appliance and the narrow strip removed so far taking easily an hour or so. ...This steady...
  2. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    Thanks, worth expanding upon - I haven't been looking into corrugated materials, I've viewed them, but not regarding them in this context as any added insulation may have cavities, or as you describe the OSB backed on to them would have - I only really conceive of both a plastic inner & outer...
  3. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    Thank you everyone for all the help and insight so far. Looking into this, it seems polycarbonate is a bit of a wimp, but some of its properties are so desirable that it has earned & deserves its place in proper uncompromised [conventional] use. What I am going to do, & I think if you look...
  4. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    Agreed and this too is on the cards - the original '80mm rigid foam composite' would have been an all-in-one product to that end, so I'll be fitting something to achieve the same insulation, the OSB and PC combined will give a thickness of 34mm - an intended thicker 35mm multiwall PC roof light...
  5. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    That's the clincher really - I'm reading that a paint is technically more a plastic once it's dried - then surmising I shouldn't worry about it so much, and obviously nearly every product out there could be wiped clean enough to eat off, so if everything went well it would seem like a clinically...
  6. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    [i.e. multiwall polycarbonate - there are solid sheets, but these are not being considered]
  7. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    I know right - but there's no completely opaque polycarbonate product, the finish is to achieve something complimenting the darkest tint PC sheet [bronze], to see a uniformly dark roof rather than a tan colour board visible under a bronze tint sheet..., which you may say is just an aesthetic...
  8. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    I think bituminous coatings are possibly bad for polycarbonate - again I'm asking the publisher of the compatibility chart and await their reply as they only list..., Asphalt D-Severe Effect associated reactions..., ...not something I would take a chance on.
  9. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    Cheers, I'm awaiting a response from Johnstones', they've recommended Flortred , but a primer will likely be necessary as it's for the roof and all [extra] ways to seal it will be considered - I'm [perhaps vainly] hoping to install & forget - i.e. if it can last as long as the polycarbonate...
  10. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    Thanks - it's for the roof though, then clad with polycarbonate...
  11. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    ps Point to note - I'm considering something along the lines of epoxy resin too, more readily associated with industrial flooring..., open minded going into this as it does not seem like an everyday occurrence, despite seeming like a structurally better and more futureproof solution than all but...
  12. xtian170174

    Sealant / Primer for OSB

    How's everyone's OSB performing off the back of this thread? I have just taken delivery of about 50m² of OSB for workshop roofing and the original notion of torch-on felting is out the window because some of the roof pitches are too steep and sagging/running may result during hot weather...