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  1. Davegree

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Recently we had Emma Cook, the Tiny Turner visit our club. This is what I made.
  2. Davegree

    Spalted beech

    Thanks, I will look it up!
  3. Davegree

    Spalted beech

    I am putting this spalted beech top on an old sewing machine base. My wife will use her sewing machine on it so I am wondering about the best finish. It can’t be anything that might leave residue on material and needs to be tough enough for light bashes like dropping scissors etc. I think...
  4. Davegree

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I am putting this spalted beech top on an old sewing machine base. My wife will use her sewing machine on it so I am wondering about the best finish. It can’t be anything that might leave residue on material and needs to be tough enough for light bashes like dropping scissors etc. I think...
  5. Davegree

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Oak box with olive wood lid and I don’t know what finial.
  6. Davegree

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Elm burr hinged box. It was a bit powdery in parts so used some Milliput and epoxy glue in parts.
  7. Davegree

    Finishing old pine

    Thanks, that’s a brilliant reply and I appreciate the time!
  8. Davegree

    Finishing old pine

    Thanks, I’ll give this a go! What about finishing. I heard about Osmo, but never tried it? Another option is Danish oil, again never tried it.
  9. Davegree

    Finishing old pine

    My wife and I bought a large pine unit for the kitchen. Eventually we plan to install all pine. My question is about the best finish for the top. I think it has been waxed or polished. My son left some water on a part of it and it has slightly lightened the area. Should I wash it all down and...
  10. Davegree

    Pine finish?

    My wife and I bought a large pine unit for the kitchen. Eventually we plan to install all pine. My question is about the best finish for the top. I think it has been waxed or polished. My son left some water on a part of it and it has slightly lightened the area. Should I wash it all down...
  11. Davegree

    Human anatomy lidded boxes

    Very nice! I had to get that off my chest.
  12. Davegree

    Garden bench

    If you are near, Yandles in Martock, Somerset sell them prepared.
  13. Davegree

    Ugly turned lidded box

    I have a set of the Marples which I bought about 40 years ago. Saw me through over 20 years site carpentry & boat fitting out. They are still in the shed and come out occasionally, but in the shed I mostly use a mallet on wooden handles chisels these days. I like the box though, nice job! I...
  14. Davegree

    How many active turners remain in UKWorkshop ?

    Yes, similar place, got everything there, but can hardly get into the shed. A clean out today I think!
  15. Davegree

    Turning chisels

    Thanks for the feedback! I will stick to the carbon for a while and only when ready look at HSS.
  16. Davegree

    Turning chisels

    Being new to turning I have collected a few old turning chisels, which are old carbon, I believe, steel. I have been told that I need to be looking at HSS tools. There are so many on the market, but I have to start acquiring some. I like the look and the reviews I read about Sorby and Ashley...