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  1. G

    Can anyone help me with a bandsaw in the NW?

    Wow.:o What a friendly bunch of people you are. I have now had 4 offers of help and a number of very useful suggestions which, if I am honest, I hoped for, but didn't expect.:D :shock: :D I'll try to post some pictures as I progress with the project. Thanks again to all of you Denis
  2. G

    Can anyone help me with a bandsaw in the NW?

    Thanks Bob - you have a PM! Denis
  3. G

    Can anyone help me with a bandsaw in the NW?

    .25" finished thickness - give or take a thou or several!! Denis
  4. G

    Can anyone help me with a bandsaw in the NW?

    That's exactly what I wnat to do - sorry if I didn't explain myself well enough I know our US cousins do this all the time, but doesn't it mean removing the guard and the riving knife? I play guitar myself and would like to keep all my fingers :( Denis
  5. G

    Can anyone help me with a bandsaw in the NW?

    I have a lovely block of 1" spalted beech that I want to resaw so I can bookmatch it. My bandsaw only has a 6" depth of cut and I need 7.25" to get the finished width. In case you are wondering, the project is a bass guitar for the friend who gave me the timber. I wondered whether anyone on...
  6. G

    Racal/3M Airlite Respirator - Help Needed

    No need to replace batteries. I had it on charge overnight last night, and the little beast purred into life this morning. Thanks all Denis
  7. G

    Racal/3M Airlite Respirator - Help Needed

    That must have been the all time senior moment. I must have charged the ting dozens of times, but in the 3 years or so since the last time, I had forgotted completely that the batteries came out. Thanks again everyone. My charger says 3.6volts at 230 milliamps. Doesn't give any info on which...
  8. G

    Racal/3M Airlite Respirator - Help Needed

    Thanks Chris. I was sure that there was a socket on display and easily available. That would mean taking off the black triangular plate and poking out the batteries from the bottom? Maybe this is why I haven't used it in years. Denis
  9. G

    Racal/3M Airlite Respirator - Help Needed

    I was going to do all of this by PM so it would contain my embarrassment, but as there's the 2 of you being so helpful so soon:- I can't see or remember where the charger plugs in - I am sure it does, but where is escaping completely. The only thing stopping me from feeling a complete . is...
  10. G

    Racal/3M Airlite Respirator - Help Needed

    Hi Folks, I know that this has been discontinued, but I really need to contact anyone who has one. I just need some incredibly basic help. Thanks (Very Stupid) Denis Waiting for a blinding flash of the obvious!!!!!!!)
  11. G

    Finishing a Guitar

    Thanks for the suggestion, Davy - I'll follow your suggestions up. A bag of sand sounds low tech enough for me to try. Jim, your suggestion about binding it is a really good one, except that I kind of have this idea of it being strat shaped - I have a Squire Strat. and it is so comfortable to...
  12. G

    YIPEEEEE !! The first one

    I had just those feelings, Blister. Weel done, it's a great first piece. For me, turning was therapy after a hectic day at work. I'd go out to the workshop at about 8pm, and wonder where the time had gone when I "Came To" at well after midnight. Reminds me that I must get back to turning -...
  13. G

    Veritas Plane Review - Part Three. Spokeshaves

    Interesting to see how much they are today - even with the exchange rate as good as it is. Denis
  14. G

    Finishing a Guitar

    Hi everyone. I have this dream to build at least one electric guitar. For once, I am trying to do some planning before I get stuck - I know that's a novel idea to many, but there you are. It's going to be a solid body of hard maple - about 35mm thick. I have the blanks glued up. The front...