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  1. J

    Dry tenons??

    Hi all, Hope you’ve all been doing okay. Without going in to too much detail, I have one question: Do you always have to glue tenons? And what are the risks if you don’t? Many thanks!
  2. J

    Gate advice

    Hi all, I’ve made a gate frame that uses mortise and tenon joints on the three rails (I think they’re called rails!?) and it’s a bit under 6ft tall and a bit over 2.5ft wide. I’m a bit stuck with the diagonal rails. Please can anyone tell me: 1. the purpose of the diagonal rails 2. which way...
  3. J

    Glass or Perspex for cabinet doors

    Hi all, I’m in the middle of making a cabinet and am planning to make shaker style doors with glass in them. What material and thickness would you use for the glass? Glass or Perspex or something else? Each door is approx 850mm x 250mm. Many thanks in advance!
  4. J

    Routing and finishing a sign

    Hi everyone, I’m about to start work on making a sign out of oak. I have my piece of oak and template printed. Plan is to go round the template with a knife and chisel and then chisel or rout out the letters and numbers. Any advice/views on how you would do this? I’m then thinking of painting...
  5. J

    Undercoat and paint recommendations

    Hi all, I have made a cupboard using redwood and am looking to paint it. The doors are shaker style and the panels use a hardwood ply. Can you advise me on which undercoat and top coat paints you would use please? I’m keen to hear your thoughts and recommendations! Many thanks, Jim
  6. J

    What timber and treatment would you use for a garden gate?

    Hi, I'm planning to make a garden gate like the one in the attached picture. This one is oak but I'm interested to know what timber and treatment you would use for such a project? Thanks!
  7. J

    Safe timber for raised vegetable bed

    Hi, I'm looking at building a raised vegetable bed; any advice on what timber to use? I've read about pressure treated timber potentially being unsafe due to chemicals getting into the soil over time. One solution would be to just put a membrane on the inside but it got me thinking, are there...
  8. J

    Confused and in need of advice with workbench build

    Hi all, I've been watching the Paul Sellers workbench videos for quite a while now and have started on the project ( The table top pieces are all new timber bought from Travis Perkins and I've cut them to length and am on to the planing...
  9. J

    Pads for sash clamps

    Hi, I have a load of clamps, a bit like this: and I'd like to get some pads for them so they don't damage the wood, however searching online doesn't seem to yield any good results. Can anyone advise me on where I can get some or make my own...
  10. J

    Where to buy wood?

    Hi all, Apologies if this is answered elsewhere, I didn't see anything in a search: Where would you recommend I look to buy wood for projects? As a couple of examples; 1. To make a workshop table/workbench and 2. To make an oak top for a side table. Are there sites online that you would...