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  1. R

    Advice Please - Curving a wooden fence.

    Hi all, I am currently in the process of fencing in my front garden to keep my dog in and the neighbours dogs out. my garden is rectangular but has a long sweeping curve on one of the corners and the type of fence I am making is a vertical plank fence using 150mm wide by 18mm thick planks, set...
  2. R

    So annoyed with myself :(

    I make no secrets that I am very much new to woodworking and therefor have little to no experience. I have always believed that you should buy the best tools you can afford as they perform better, last longer and hold value. With that I snapped up the chance to get a much discounted Veritas...
  3. R

    Cutting tongue and grooves on a large scale.

    Hi all, For my shed project I have decided to clad the whole lot using 150mm by 19mm treated boards rather than shiplap as it is much cheaper and I am told shiplap has a habit of twisting over time. My local timber supplier showed me a technique whereby 2 of these boards are butted vertrically...
  4. R

    Amateur ambitious build. Ransoman builds a Studio. (Shed)

    Hello all, I have very limited woodworking experience and this is my first ambitious build so please be gentle (hammer). Fortunately I have a fair selection of tools at my disposal. The Breif: My Girlfriend is a recently graduated professional artist and as she specialises in large works...