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  1. M

    Another TyZack Saw

    I picked this Tyzack saw up for a £1 last weekend at a local carboot,but cannot find any information about it. It is in very good condition with only light rust and the transfer is really good,can any body give me its age? i know the transfer depicts TT46 but is that the year it was manufactured...
  2. M

    Isaac Greaves Tenon Saw

    A while since i've posted on the Forums,but a £1 Carboot find needs the collectives attention. Can anyone tell me more about this saw maker? Isaac Greaves of Sheffield and is Gambia a trademark? I have tried the usual search engines but can only find wood chisels and Plane blades relating to...
  3. M

    Buy this book?

    On a well known internet market place many of us frequent :roll: Are two books a 1st and a 2nd of British Planemakers from 1700. I feel like treating myself for no good reason other than i deserve it,the problem is which one? I know there is a 3rd edition out there but very dear! Would those...
  4. M

    A few carboot finds

    As stated by jim in his post autumn is approaching and the pickings are even thinner on the ground!, although over the Saturday and Sunday i manage a few more bargains. What is it with coffin planes,i cannot resist them (do i need help?) plus a couple of decent moulding planes, one a Mathieson...
  5. M

    This weekends carbooty

    After the 'buzz' of picking up my cache of Moulding planes, all i can find now are these little Coffin planes no great age i think but at £1 each i could not resist. The Yankee driver was an impulse buy, has DEC 1923 reg on shaft ,at £3 worth a punt. Any comments on makers of plane or driver...
  6. M

    This weeks carboot finds

    Sparse pickings this weekend due to torrential overnight rain,then again 50pence for the Coffin Plane and carbooter gave me the Brades hammer for free!!. (said he was gobsmacked someone actually wanted to buy it) Although obvious repair to Plane its cleaned up nicely and has a decent blade...
  7. M

    Cleaning Old Moulding Planes

    After lurking in the shadows for far to long i have finally joined and entered the light :) . Having followed Jimi43 and his bootfair quests ,i bought a selection of Moulding Planes (15 for £5). But they need cleaning and this is where i ask the Forum's advice (jimi43 ?) ,what do i use, how...