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  1. T

    Will this router do what I need it for?

    Hi all. I need to make circles in a variety of sheet materials. The circles initially will be 40cm and 13cm diameter. So, it looks like I need to buy a router. Will this one do the job out of the box or will I need to buy or make extra tools to go with it...
  2. T

    How to apply the oil?

    Hi there, I've bought some Osmo Wood Wax Finish to apply to some 40cm circles of birch ply, but I'm new to this. I know that I will have to sand it first using 220 grit. Do I apply the oil with a paintbrush? What kind of cloth do I need to use after I've applied the oil?
  3. T

    Cheapest softwood

    Hi all. I'm new to this and know nothing :) I'm looking for some information on softwoods. I need to find a softwood which is both as cheap as possible and as light as possible in colour. It is going to be made into 10cm diameter cylinders. It would be useful if it doesn't split. It will have...