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      wizkid2003 reacted to monster's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
      I have just received back a property that had the same tenant in it for the last 14 years. It's a property I built myself and took great...
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      wizkid2003 reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Something new with Like Like.
      Quality work there @Stigmorgan , not really my area of competence but drilling out the screw is pretty much all you can do .. then fill...
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      wizkid2003 replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      Having read through all the posts on this thread and listened to both sides of the "Brexit" argument (I know...the thread has moved off...
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      wizkid2003 reacted to sploo's post in the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY with Like Like.
      Yes, that's true - the fishermen got screwed over too; thanks for pointing out another Brexit "win". Also worth looking up Farage's...
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