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  1. R

    Not a woodworker, need woodworkers help!!

    Thanks keith, yes its a double reflection, the thing that makes it more adaptable as well is the different ways it can be configured according to lighting conditions. Ie: which mirror, with or without medium or dark filter. PM me if you would be interested in making these and to share in what...
  2. R

    Not a woodworker, need woodworkers help!!

    Its not designed for extended use, in that you use the device to quickly produce a drawing accurately. You then use traditional shading/painting. The hole is not that small, but has to be there to maintain a fairly steady position for the eye. I am going to produce a complete tutorial dvd as...
  3. R

    Not a woodworker, need woodworkers help!!

    Thanks Mike, yes everybody who has tried it has been surprised by how easy it is then to draw! Lot of potential. Any woodworkers want to share in this business opportunity?
  4. R

    Not a woodworker, need woodworkers help!!

    :D Now I feel silly! I should have realised the text was the place you usually see "forum expert" ect. So if I keep posting, I will become a master carpenter! Wow!! ;) Bit like the guy in hospital.. "Will I be able to play the piano Doc?" (Doc) "Yes you should" (Patient) "Thats good, I couldn't...
  5. R

    Not a woodworker, need woodworkers help!!

    Thanks Dave ! I am in Basildon. I am hoping it would be a simple but mutually profitable little project for somebody. I want to focus on marketing and demonstrating it (because of my artistic interest)
  6. R

    Not a woodworker, need woodworkers help!!

    Hi Kevin, Sorry about that its realtracer dot com, just a blog with a few drawings made with realtracers assistance.
  7. R

    Not a woodworker, need woodworkers help!!

    not sure if this will be allowed on forum rules. I have made a prototypes of a device to help people draw accurately. I would like to link up with a woodworker/carpenter in Essex who would like to help with making the items. It is an enhanced form of camera lucida (or graphic mirror). I have...