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    • R
      Rowen reacted to Owd Jockey's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Hi Rowen, I have used Hawthorn for a number of tool handles over the years. I've attached a photo of a couple of files that have been...
    • R
      Rowen reacted to Dovetail's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Welcome to UKW!
    • R
      Rowen reacted to cowtown_eric's post in the thread Hi with Like Like. buddy and I just finished making 16 Plains Indian bows out of May Tree for...
    • R
      Rowen reacted to DeBangis's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Welcome to UKWorkshop.
    • R
      Rowen replied to the thread Hi.
      Thank you both, if you don’t try you never know.
    • R
      Rowen reacted to Fitzroy's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
      Welcome along. No idea if it would make a good hammer shaft but it’s a lovely wood. I made an incense stick burner out of a piece when I...
    • R
      Rowen posted the thread Hi in New Member Introductions.
      I searched Google to see if hawthorn was a good material to make a shaft for a hammer and ended up here! Looking forward to learning...
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