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      Quercus reacted to AES's post in the thread Bambu lab buying advice with Like Like.
      As per my post on the other thread about 3D printers/ing now running, I must stress I know absolutely NOTHING about this subject and...
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      Quercus replied to the thread Bambu lab buying advice.
      In a way it’s good to know that moisture problems present quite obviously rather than finishing a print for it to fall apart to find...
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      Quercus replied to the thread Bambu lab buying advice.
      Fair point. I had similar thoughts about the downside to leaving moisture sensitive filaments on the AMS. It also made me think about...
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      Quercus reacted to Crazy Dave's post in the thread Bambu lab buying advice with Wow Wow.
      This is what wet PET-G looks like from my experience.
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      Quercus replied to the thread Bambu lab buying advice.
      Decisions decisions! It sounds like the A1 is going to be a great machine to learn on and something that will still prove useful to keep...
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      Quercus reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Bambu lab buying advice with Like Like.
      I’ve heard this so many times about petg, and others, but I store mine in the open air, don’t dry it and don’t have any issue printing...
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      Quercus reacted to Crazy Dave's post in the thread Bambu lab buying advice with Like Like.
      I have 2 P1S's and 1 has an AMS. Dave, you mentioned that you wanted to print with PET-G, I must warn you that although printing with...
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      Quercus reacted to fleyh's post in the thread Bambu lab buying advice with Like Like.
      Unless you have a very specific use case - neither Nylon nor ABS are necessary for the workshop purposes you listed. PLA, PETG and their...
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      Quercus replied to the thread Bambu lab buying advice.
      Looking into this a bit further Bambu say on their website that ABS, although not ideal on the A1 for larger prints, is fine for small...
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      Quercus replied to the thread Bambu lab buying advice.
      This raises a point I hadn’t really thought about. I was thinking about not getting the AMS add on as I don’t intend to print multiple...
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      Quercus reacted to MorrisWoodman12's post in the thread Bambu lab buying advice with Like Like.
      What a timely thread. I have an ancient Robox (2014)which only comes with the CURA slicer which has zero adjustability. Just this last...
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      Quercus reacted to AES's post in the thread Bambu lab buying advice with Like Like.
      I know nothing about this stuff, but subscribe to a channel called Clough 42. He's primarily primarily a metal worker (lathe, surface...
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      Quercus reacted to Si465's post in the thread Bambu lab buying advice with Like Like.
      I bought an A1 mini in June, so far have done about 20 prints (~0.5kg filament) all trouble free. Overall very pleased especially...
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      Quercus reacted to Mike Fletcher's post in the thread Bambu lab buying advice with Like Like.
      I have a Flashforge Adventurer 3 Pro. Print size is 150mm in all directions. It can print PLA, ABS and PETG. I think the best...
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      Quercus replied to the thread Bambu lab buying advice.
      Thanks for the replies. It’s good to hear the positive comments about Bambu generally as a brand. Interesting to know that the A1 was...
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