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  1. M

    Bobbin Sanders revisitied

    The table is adjustable so you can sand angled surfaces, but the tiny silver of metal (1.5 cm?) to stop the work piece flying to the right is far too short. Maybe I'm just not used it but it pulls very aggressively to be able to control a 6cm thick curved piece without having a point to lean...
  2. M

    Flocking - has anyone ever used this brand...

    I've actually just bought some, first time flocking so I don't know what to expect. First time on a test box was a bit piecemeal, which I put down to to the glue seeping into the wood and not leaving enough for the flock, while some parts looked everything I hoped, others parts were blotchy...
  3. M

    Bobbin Sanders revisitied

    This arrived yesterday and had a good play about with it. The bobbin aspect it of it is exactly as I expected/hoped and has been a godsend already, saved me a couple of days effort already, I may actually have everything finished in time. Apart from time saved actually sanding, it occurred to...
  4. M

    adding weathered patina to timber, is it possible?

    Unfinished timber that looks weathered? If you aren't bothered about the wood type, rather than making it look like that you could try looking in skips around you and find some really distressed wood.
  5. M

    Glues Blues

    I have this one, I don't want to post the whole article for copyright reasons, however the first two sentences of the actual article should give you a feel for the conclusion. I could summarise the main points if there was interest, doubt I'd get it finished tonight.
  6. M

    whole wall bookshelf

    But with part filled shelves you then get to make some book ends, or have some spare space to keep tools :-)
  7. M

    Glues Blues

    Is it maybe the case where people have excessively clamped it was because the faces were not square in the first place so more force was required to close the joint?
  8. M

    Scary moment, router cutter snaps

    I've had a couple of other small bits break and they've just been left embedded in the work. When this happened, the bit came out of the rebate though the bottom of the drawer side , it then was cutting at the full depth of the rebate, it looked like it may have snapped as it was coming out so...
  9. M

    Bobbin Sanders revisitied

    Just ordered the rutlands belt and bobbin sander. From what I could made out the Sealey, Rutlands and also the Clarke models are identical. I went for the one from rutlands as I've never had trouble returning stuff plus they did a hose kit. I also went crazy atnd got on of those latex block...
  10. M

    Glues Blues

    I switched from titebond to Gorrilla Glue the PVA obviously) three years ago and never looked back. It's very easy to find in the shops, You can usually find this in general hardware shops, up here Yorkshire Trading and Boyes have it for £7-9 per litre or if you go on ebay/amazon it can be...
  11. M

    Scary moment, router cutter snaps

    I've had two scary moments with a router, one also involved a snapped bit. A 1/4 inch 6mm straight bit, also from a Trend set that came free with the router (a T4, I love those even though on my third). I was rebating a slot for a drawer bottom, it should have been the second last pass...
  12. M

    Record BS250 or Charnwood B250

    Yeah, I think is. Bending it sounds the way to go.
  13. M

    Record BS250 or Charnwood B250

    Not sure what mine does but I'm pretty sure it is not as big by a bit. The saw is right next to my extractor and is the first outlet from the 4 inch pipe I have running around the workshop and works a treat. The gap is over a cm, you can feel the air rushing in, maybe I should try bending the...
  14. M

    Bobbin Sanders revisitied

    Thanks for that, the sealey one looks good, Rutlands do a similar one that was showing as sold out a couple of days ago. Having a belt would be handy, I have a disk sander but it can be tricky keeping to the left side of the disk and less chance of burning, I think I'll go with one of these.
  15. M

    Raised panel question

    I would say always alternate the boards unless you want to matchbook them and you don't have a choice. If this is to go in the hallway I'd guess its going to get a bit more exposed to humidity changes than the living room. > raised panels which measure 216 x 400mm long will cup. Assuming...