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  1. kalvt22

    Palm nailers

    Never used one, But I can't see that they'd be very quick if its the type I'm thinking of. I'd go for either a normal nail gun (air or gas) or a good old claw hammer. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!
  2. kalvt22

    Natural/homemade Stains - Beetroot?

    Bosshogg - I'll get eating it then! Just a bit worried about the smell....
  3. kalvt22

    boot fair review 16/10/2011

    Here's the evidence. The planes cost me about £40 in total and the grinder £10 (the little hammer I liked as it had little wings fixing it to the shaft and was only 50p). Just got to build some shelves to put them all on now! Going to take me a while to get them all sharpened and into...
  4. kalvt22

    Natural/homemade Stains - Beetroot?

    Start peeing in a bucket? What if I already did this....
  5. kalvt22

    boot fair review 16/10/2011

    Nice plane - I might have some makers marks I'll be asking you guys about soon due to my purchases today. I also brought wooden planes today. Although I might have been a little rash and brought 28 moulding planes. Quite difficult to sneak past the wife! also a hand powered grinder for £10...
  6. kalvt22

    Natural/homemade Stains - Beetroot?

    Cheers for the replies guys. I guess walnuts would be good as well as once I removed the husks from a load of them and it stained my hands for two weeks! Mignal - thats what I was worried about is there a way to colour fast the dye to stop it fading? alot of the recipies on the internet don't...
  7. kalvt22

    Natural/homemade Stains - Beetroot?

    I'm sorry if this question has been asked in the past (I did a search of the forum but it didn't really answer my question) I was wondering if there is a way to make a wood stain from beetroot, which won't fade (much) and if anyone had a recipe for this? Any other natural stain recipes would be...
  8. kalvt22

    boot fair goodies 9/10/11

    Nice saw - I've been looking out for a dovetail saw to restore and maybe some old panel saws to use on site but I already get enough stick! Quite a quiet carboot for me this weekend but I did buy a metal log splitting wedge for a couple of quid as well as this nice 1/8 side beading plane that...
  9. kalvt22

    More MDF (desk finished) (now in place)

    Like it. I love seeing what can be done with this affordable material. The inside of the drawers look nice in wood against the painted MDF. Nice job I hate working with MDF but it is useful- used it on friday to box in a consumber unit on the house i'm working in. Once its had a lick of paint it...
  10. kalvt22

    The LAST Bootfair?

    What budget do you give yourself Jim? I've had a reasonable day. Brought a 220 record block plane for £10 in good condition and a 078 record rebate plane that will need a bit of work to tidy it up for £3. Also a 5ft sash clamp for £8 and a triangle oil stone for 50p. My father uses drill bits...
  11. kalvt22

    Pencil carving

    Thats mad! I'm always pleased when I chop out a hinge and it fits!
  12. kalvt22

    Camellia Oil?

    Cheers for your replies guys. I'm going to use it this winter and see what happens. Most stuff in my workshop gets used quite often so I can keep an eye on it anyway!
  13. kalvt22

    Bootfair - Summer No.2

    Not a bad haul guys, but I'm happy with mine. My 10 carving chisels (which contain three different sized V tools) for £10 was what made my day today - I didn't even argue about the price. They're going to need a little bit of work to bring back to working order and I think that reshaping will...
  14. kalvt22

    A year in the life of..

    I'm impressed. It's been years since I did any oak framing and then I never liked liting the stuff on my own! how long does it take you to frame and roof a double garge type structure?
  15. kalvt22

    Camellia Oil?

    I just brought a bottle of Camellia oil from Axminster as I've noticed the very lightest of rust on a couple of my lesser used planes and chisels. I was wondering if many other people use it and if they do what do they think of it? or is there a cheaper alternative (not a fan of spraying...