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John Hughes01
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    • John Hughes01
      John Hughes01 replied to the thread The Cheapest Energy So Far.
      Can someone put me straight regarding the new Energy Cap. The term "PriceCap" implies that this is the highest price permitted...
    • John Hughes01
      John Hughes01 replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      I have seen forms of society as developing situations. The ideal of communism is great if we all have nothing and there are loads of...
    • John Hughes01
      John Hughes01 replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
      Heating up sand brings back memories of electric storage heaters using off peak leccy. They worked quite well - Economy 7 etc.
    • John Hughes01
      John Hughes01 replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
      I am on my third Niro hybrid but for my latest Niro I opted for the PHEV version having calculated that,being retired and considering...
    • John Hughes01
      John Hughes01 replied to the thread Gotten.
      PS :- On Facebook Marketplace you don't even need to type in "Is it still available?" -- just press abutton! This is why, IMO, you get...
    • John Hughes01
      John Hughes01 replied to the thread Gotten.
      Text speak has bothered me for some time. It will destroy the art of communication as well as the ability we have to express ourselves...
    • John Hughes01
      John Hughes01 replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      If the EU ever had any usefulness as a concept it is certainly no longer sustainable. It has managed to overload with poor eastern...
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