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  1. D

    Hegner Scroll saw, big problem, need advise

    Here is a link to a machine that I totally rebuilt, ever nut and bolt reconditioned like original. New parts machined from scratch and old parts rebored and so on. ... x?id=16293 This is something I did for my own wood shop. And this one too...
  2. D

    Hegner Scroll saw, big problem, need advise

    Some people just don't know any better and probably thought it was the norm. Well I spent a day on the re-machining an alignment the Hegner. It is now 100% true and tolerances all neat and smooth. Checked all moving parts and all good. BUT!!!!! Still not as good as I thought it would...
  3. D

    Hegner Scroll saw, big problem, need advise

    For all that would like to see a bent casting. Firstly the casting is not square to the bottom mounting face as indicated by the Moore&Wright machinist square. Secondly both pins are bend inwards. I could almost reason the thought of the top pin being bent, but casting is already bent badly...
  4. D

    Hegner Scroll saw, big problem, need advise

    Martin You made some valid points. Yes I initially thought it was going to be the case of a bent pin or loose fitting or so on. Which I could easily understand, this could be bend by a little neglect or even a light bump or fall. But no casting bend between two pins. I stripped the machine and...
  5. D

    Hegner Scroll saw, big problem, need advise

    Chippygeoff You sound a little like a Hegner snob, I could be wrong. I professionally rebuild very high end machinery. Everything from Schaublin instrument lathes to Weiler tool room machinery and anything inbetween. A Hegner is a toy compared to the complexities and the precision of these...
  6. D

    Hegner Scroll saw, big problem, need advise

    The machine has absolutely no signs of abuse or any wear, not even paint chip to indicate it has had a drop. That casting is very strong and to bend it would have been a substantial drop that would have damaged a lot more than the c arm. Yes it is very strange!! The pins are perfect, threads...
  7. D

    Hegner Scroll saw, big problem, need advise

    :cry: I recently bought a second hand Hegner scroll saw, it was in very good condition and had seen very little use. I bought Hegner because I have only heard praises about the machines and often considered the 'best'. OK on to my dilemma: I got it home plugged it in, switched it on and was...