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    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to cemannion's post in the thread Tungsten Carbide Drill bits with Like Like.
      Rennie amongst many others sell solid carbide drills. They are expensive. If you use them in a hand drill they will snap They will...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to HOJ's post in the thread Vacuum veneering with Like Like.
      On mine I have it towards a corner, where I can get to it, and use a strip of breather material to lay over the pieces from the outlet...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to Graham N's post in the thread Vacuum veneering with Like Like.
      Just starting on using a vacuum bag for veneering and laminating and would appreciate some advice. I have a large bagpress from...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to Weldingchipper2.0's post in the thread Doors with Like Like.
      Allo All Long time lurker. Over Christmas I made a couple of doors, first id made Softwood frame with miranti sills, door is miranti...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to musicman58's post in the thread Mallets with Like Like.
      I've recently made these on my lathe but I'm still learning.
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to ScottyT's post in the thread A Garden Gate with Like Like.
      So this is just a side note really on T&G, it is simple to machine it out, it’s another beast entirely getting it out spot on. Attention...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to ScottyT's post in the thread A Garden Gate with Like Like.
      I can place the curves on the rod, and using my centre square I can cut, butt and stagger them together. Making sure with a square...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to ScottyT's post in the thread A Garden Gate with Like Like.
      Well the gate is almost finished now so i can take you pretty much write up to the end. Here is the two posts, they are a finished...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to ScottyT's post in the thread A Garden Gate with Like Like.
      7/8 wedges for my 7/8 mortices, looking for nice straight grain here as I’ll give these some welly when I drive them home. Wedges...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to ScottyT's post in the thread A Garden Gate with Like Like.
      I am placing the curve on top of the gate here and all I need to do is mark up the shoulders and halve it, I have loads of adjustment if...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to ScottyT's post in the thread A Garden Gate with Like Like.
      Just trying the shoulder sizes to get the correct width, all is well here so I’ll tenon the other two and cut the haunches in, then I...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to ScottyT's post in the thread A Garden Gate with Like Like.
      The head of the curved section ready for marking out, this is where a big advantage to this method comes into play. From this photo...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to ScottyT's post in the thread A Garden Gate with Like Like.
      It’s been a while since I have posted anything up here as it’s been pretty busy and fairly run of the mill stuff, I am in the process of...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to steve355's post in the thread Floats with Like Like.
      It is indeed, if your float isn’t straight, your mortise won’t be straight either. In fact one thing I didn’t show above (because it...
    • Blaidd-Drwg
      Blaidd-Drwg reacted to steve355's post in the thread Floats with Love Love.
      And…. 3 coats of that Liberon Garnet polish and I’ll call them finished.
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