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      Algarin reacted to Fitzroy's post in the thread Bandsaw - £1-1.8k range with Like Like.
      I doubt you'll find output power on most machines, use input power and if only one power is specified it will be input power.
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      Algarin reacted to JSW's post in the thread *Small* electric screwdriver? with Haha Haha.
      Thanks for the feedback (y) Judging by the comments on Amazon, that might not be a bad thing, though of course a lot of those comments...
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      Algarin replied to the thread *Small* electric screwdriver?.
      I think it's great, for my hand size (no. 10/11 gloves) it fits perfectly. I use it as mentioned mainly for chuck jaw screws but any...
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      Algarin replied to the thread *Small* electric screwdriver?.
      I like this from Rotacraft: I use it to change jaws on...
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      Algarin reacted to MF1000's post in the thread Chestnut Zipper Dining Table with Like Like.
      The table now finished down to 10 000 grit and 3 coats of wax. Legs fitted on m6 inserts today and it’s now ready for my show in two weeks
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      Algarin replied to the thread Cookies.
      We've had cookies for about 20-30 years. The difference is that now you are offered a choice to reject or accept optional cookies such...
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