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  1. H

    Finishing a bandsaw box without a sander

    I have recently (rather stupidly) cut out a bandsaw box without thinking about the fact that I don't have either a belt or spindle sander. So I have come to the point where there are parts on the box which are either rough or uneven, and is hard to repair with a file and sand paper. Does anybody...
  2. H

    Compound cut candle holder

    Here's a couple of photos of a freshly-cut candle holder I made yesterday. It only took four internal cuts to make and is a project that can be done in an hour or so depending on the wood that you use. In this case I used yew, which was not particularly easy to cut to be honest, next time I will...
  3. H

    Scroll saw chess set/ clamping when compound cutting

    Thanks so much. Yes, I was in year 11 at the time so from when I designed it I was 15, to when I made it I was 16. Yes, from a first glance it does seem amazing, but from having made it I can see numerous problems with it, such as the alignment of the chess board. Haha I like that title, Master...
  4. H

    Scroll saw chess set/ clamping when compound cutting

    ah right cheers for the tip, i'll give that a try next time
  5. H

    Scroll saw chess set/ clamping when compound cutting Here's a chess set that I made, where the pieces are landmarks from around the world. When cutting the chess pieces, I used two pieces of pine either side of the wood to clamp it together. Does anybody have...
  6. H

    Handmade wooden chess set

    I'm an 18 year old Mechanical engineering student at my local college. (but I would love to become a carpenter/joiner and to have my own workshop but it's very unlikely to happen). At the time I made this I was 15/16.
  7. H

    Handmade wooden chess set

    Thanks a lot, really appreciate it. And yes, the pawns are pyramids (well are meant to be).
  8. H

    Handmade wooden chess set

    At home I use a fairly old Delta 40-570 scroll saw, but for this project I used the Excalibur's at my school (which are far superior). In terms of blades I use Olson blades; these range from skip tooth to reverse tooth, and go from size 5 up to size 9, depending on the project.
  9. H

    Handmade wooden chess set

    You nearly got it. The ponys are meant to be a side view of the Coliseum, and the rooks are meant to be one of the towers of the Great Wall of China. I know it's not very clear, they're the worst pieces out of the lot. Thanks for the comments guys, appreciate it.
  10. H

    Handmade wooden chess set

    Here's a few photos of a chess set I completed in 2012. It is made entirely out of english walnut and sycamore, and features a drawer underneath the board. The pieces were mostly designed by myself and cut out on the scroll saw.