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Established Member
18 Aug 2019
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Ash Vale, Aldershot
Now, this may just be me getting soppy, and that might be because I'm still a little pickled from being out with the boys last night celebrating tomorrow or because tomorrow I cross over to the wrong side of 40, either way I just want to say that I really appreciate you guys, since I started my woodturning journey on 1st November 2021 you guys have been a huge source of support, inspiration and information, I've made some amazing friends here and can't wait to make more and continue my turning journey with you all.

You guys are all amazing 💗
tomorrow I cross over to the wrong side of 40
Happy birthday for tomorrow!

It is my birthday today. My celebrations started last night with a 10pm 40km trip to my local health centre. They seemed to think my blood pressure (93/73), pulse (116) and temperature (38.8) were not ideal. They worked on me for a while then arranged an ambulance to take me to the local University hospital. I arrived at 2am. More poking, prodding and tests. I still don't know what was wrong but eventually they got me feeling almost human and I am now back in my own bed.

Everyone I encountered was very pleasant and professional and it was certainly a novel way to start my birthday but I don't think it is something I could market as a birthday experience. I wish you better for your birthday 😞
Thanks, with a break in at school yesterday afternoon it's proving to be a different experience than I had planned, having to wait on a call to say that police forensics are on their way, I'll need to head home and let them in. Luckily the little s..ts messed with a fire extinguisher this time so there will be good prints to prove it was them, this is the 2nd time that building has been entered but last time they got in through an unsecured fire door, this time they've smashed a window. Nothing stolen other than the ability to fully enjoy my weekend 🤷‍♂️
You are still just a youngster at 40 but don't forget that time is not linear as the physicist will let you believe so place more importance on time than ever as it is something that even the richest cannot buy and start planing retirement so you get your time and don't have to work till you drop.
All the best young man.......

dont u mean the DARK

After 20 tears I mean ....of asking my partner to marry me.....she finally said YES.....
She said we'll do it on ur 70th birthday so u'll not forget the anniversary.....
U got it, I still forget.....Hahaha.......
I never forget the date on which I married my Finnish wife because we wed on Finnish independence day. Living here it would be impossible to miss that date.
Many whotsits of the thingy. I'm soon (hopefully) to celebrate the 34th anniversary of my 40th - so there!

Have a good one and take a lot of water with it!
Thanks everyone, not really felt like celebrating much, still waiting for the police to arrive 🤬
Should probably clarify by wrong side of 40 I mean it's my 41st 😉
Many happy returns, and hope the police arrive quick, get what they need and are gone as expeditiously as possible.
Happy birthday young man.
I can remember my 40's. It was the best of decades, just like all the others. Make it so for yourself!