Wild fires in BC Canada.


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The trouble with mistakes like this is that they get embedded in the public consciousness, are are hard to shift. I read a Canadian rant a few years back explaining how EVs were actually way more expensive per mile than ICEs, I was curious, as I imagined Canada had fairly cheap hydro-electric power. Turned out the cost of a kWh had been taken as $1.50, instead of 15c.
People still believe spinach is a wondrous source of iron, years after a similar mistake was exposed. I sometimes wonder if these "mistakes" are intentional.
Probably not the spinach one.
Does Olive know about this?
I thought set aside was a thing of the past.
DEFRA have still yet to decide what they're proposing. Or is that the Government... they change their ideas almost hourly it seems. One thing is for sure, third rate subsidy-spongers (one of whom I have had the misfortune to live next door to and a nastier, more vindictive, mendacious piece of ordure I have yet to meet) will go to the wall.
The political agenda follows from reflecting on the real world

No they are not.
Much of the land is devoted to leisure activities of the very wealthy. Not only the millions of acres of grouse moors but just count the number of horses you see, or look at the empty farms now used as second home, holiday cottages, luxury dwellings. Spot the wide new drives and the big 4wd cars! Ditto the once busy villages and their lost communities.
You can see how wealth has drifted upwards in recent years, by these big changes in the countryside all over Britain.

Tell me Jacob. What else can you use the grouse moors for ?
Moorland is almost useless. Only really good for sheep, wild ponies, deer, grouse and lots of wildlife. A lot is wetland and creates peat which is superb for carbon capture and you definitely wouldn’t want to drain that for agriculture as it would release huge amounts of CO2.
You've missed the point. I wrote "not only grouse moors....."
In other words I was referring to the other uses. Hope that helps.
Grouse moors are another issue : Britain’s national parks dominated by driven grouse moors, says study.
Certainly didn't miss your point, Jacob. You've also misquoted yourself...in your original post you said Not only the millions of acres of grouse moors. First off, I think you'll find that you've invented that 'millions' figure. Moorland Association estimate it at just over 1 million.

But, hey, who worries about accuracy of statistics when you can have a lovely emotive soundbite? As in the case of the Guardian

Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 13.08.11.png

Don't you just love the word 'dominated' ? The reality is nothing like....
Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 13.08.26.png
20% is not 'dominated'.

OK....back to my original question...what do you propose to use the grouse moors for ? Social housing ? :ROFLMAO:

Much too recently we have all witnessed how protection of an agreed narrative is deemed far more important than examination or consideration of differing information or points of view.
Such as?

Would you say that the following is nothing to be alarmed about?
".... 45 leading climate scientists from around the world about the record-breaking temperatures. They said that, despite it certainly feeling as if events had taken an alarming turn, the broad global heating trend seen to date was entirely in line with three decades of scientific predictions."

Would that be three decades of lies?
They should on the roofs of every industrial estate, bus and railway station, sports stadium, supermarket ...
Why not every central reservation on motorways and dual carriageway?
Hi How about solar arrays and wind farms on the grouse moors instead of using good agricultural land?
They should on the roofs of every industrial estate, bus and railway station, sports stadium, supermarket ...
Why not every central reservation on motorways and dual carriageway?
Solar panels perhaps but turbines are big machines for efficiency.
Who mentioned house purchase?

Whoever owns the necessary land. Luckily it tends to be low value high ground.
Where is the justice in that taking land off one set of owners and not the others.

What would you do with it? Build houses for your friends?!
Where is the justice in that taking land off one set of owners and not the others.

What would you do with it? Build houses for your friends?!
Plan A was to build wind turbines.Seem to be talking at cross purposes.
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