What's the proper name for....


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Established Member
24 May 2007
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..............wooden, L shaped beading/edging please.........I'm having a brain drain and trying to price some up on the B&Poo website and I can't find it!! :oops:

Yours in festive numptiness


PS - And NO answers saying "L shaped edging/beading" please!! :wink:
Angle moulding according to B&Poo.......so Jason wins, but thanks for the input fellas. Who needs Google when you have UKW eh!

Thanks again

Mark :D
Well folks, I got me to B&Poo and went to purchase the said angle (34mm wide), but as usual I didn't read the prices right on those bloomin racks.

Luckily I went through the express checkout, beeped the first 2.1m length and subsequently had to be resuscitated by good mate.................
10.89p (yes, you read it right, TEN POUNDS EIGHTY NINE PENCE (each) :shock: ). Ballcocks with this for a game of soldiers methought, so after returning it...well launching it back into it's rack, we bade them a friendly farewell and headed for a more independent supplier......

Imagine my delight when the friendly chap offered me a festive discount on 3 lengths for the princely sum of...................wait for it.....................FOUR POUNDS SEVENTY SIX! (each) :D

Is there a lesson in this tale I wonder??

Mark :D
i would never go to B and Q unless i was seriously desperate.

just for future reference I use this place for all my mouldings, the guy is very good and has a quick turn around, http://www.timbermouldings.net. he is based in derbyshire and will courier out to anywhere in the country.

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