What do you do with your chippings/ sawdust?


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i dont produce a lot of shavings, mainly dust.
all of it goes in the bin.

but a friend of mine takes it to his friend who makes big pellets for his wood stove.
I find the best thing to do is liberally cover myself, my shoes and the dog in sawdust and shavings, then run at full tilt into the house, followed by the dog, through the kitchen, down the hall, into the living room stopping at the phone which until 2 seconds previously was ringing its bits off.

i find this method works well until swmbo gets home :roll:

be careful putting any in the dustbins if your council is any thing like leicester i was reported by the dustbin men for putting saw dust in the bottom of my bin (not a lot ) and had a visit from the council wanting to know every bit of information about my life
Local authorities are pretty hot on people running certain types of businesses from home without change of use permission.

When I built my engineering workshop on the back of the house - only the size of half a garage - they put in a specific exclusion for business use. However my woodwork shop comes under permitted development rights and so I did not need to get formal planning permission. I did show the drawings to the planners though and they were quite happy and did not mention business use exclusion even though it is 30 sq m

Chuck a good handful on the barbie, really gives a great flavor. Some people soak them but I find this isn't necessary if you put plenty on and the charcoal isn't too hot (past it's best is best), but they will go up eventually so keep your tongs handy - even better if you have a BBQ with a lid, just open the top vent & leave the bottom ones closed and you've got an instant hot smoker. And make sure you miss the food, oak chips are really chewy.

Or you could bag them up into small bags & charge a fortune for smokey oak BBQ chippings on ebay!
hi yes they wanted to see if i was running a business from home they came and had a look at my workshop and could see it was just a hobby .i only used to put about a bucket of sawdust every couple of weeks but it just goes show how easy you could get caught out
I give my non-toxic wood shavings (the majority) to local farmers who use it in the back of their trailers when transporting sheep. I'm careful if turning exotic or toxic woods to keep those shavings seperate and they go in the green waste bin at the local tip along with everyone else's hedge trimmings!
If you can both use it for animal litter and get back into the compost bins, so much the better. Any compost that is to acidic can be tested with litmus paper (still available at some chemists) acidic compost turns the paper pink, the deeper the pink the higher the acidity, adjusted with lime if required. Remember if your unsure of your soils acidity, to test it first, you may want to add acidity as Rod mentioned above...bosshogg :)

even a stupid man can be right sometimes