UKW - Sharpening Bonanza Get Together

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15 Oct 2010
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UKW Sharpening Event

This will be held on 11th May 2013 and will be kindly hosted by Chris Smith at his premises in Wantage Oxfordshire from 10am til 3pm (Full address will be provided nearer the date of the event) and the individuals listed below have kindly offered to come along and demonstrate their favoured method of sharpening to enable those attending to decide what method may suit their own personal requirements best.

It is intended that this will be a social occasion, a chance for us to get together, to chat have some fun, a bit of banter and also learn from our counterparts - It will not be a formal seminar type of event.

As the title suggests the purpose of the get together is to concentrate on sharpening of Plane blades and chisels both By hand and powered means.

So far the demonstrators who have committed their time to help and make this a success are :-

Matthew Platt – Scary Sharp
Steve Allford – Worksharp 3000
John-Henry Bigley – Japanese Water Stones
Paul Chapman – Toothed Blades and Scraper Planes
Chris Smith – Oil Stones and Strops
Peter Sefton - Tormek
Andy King - Freehand use of Diamond Stones

My thanks in advance to these individuals for offering to do this =D> =D> =D>

I'm still looking for someone to come along with their Diamond Stones, Ceramic Stones though so if you can help please PM me

Due to size restrictions the event will be strictly limited to a maximum of 40 plus those attending to demonstrate and this will be on a first come first served basis – If you wish to attend please leave a post below requesting a a place.

This thread will be solely for this purpose of requesting a place and not a general discussion thread - posts not specifically requesting a place will be deleted without notice to make it easier to keep track of those wishing to attend.

The event will be free to those attending and is open to UKW forum members only in view of the limitation in numbers – Sorry but no friends or family.

There is a café and toilet facilities on site and ample car parking

I am hoping that this is a really successful event and the start of many, plans are already afoot for one in the summer too.

Any queries please PM me

Yes please!

I think it's a splendid idea and am very grateful to the organisers. I could offer a lift to anyone else wanting to come from the Bristol area.
Superb idea. Put my name down. Yes plz. Ideal opportunity for me to learn how to sharpen tools properly.

Yes please, from me. Coming down from Redditch if anybody needs a lift or just wants to share.