UJK Router Elevator Needs Avoiding


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When you look at the Triton website they state " Removable plunge spring for easy bit adjustment when table mounted " and it is only retained by a single screw so designed to be easily removed. It is a great router for the money and the only plunge router that can be height adjusted from above the table.

Now if you already own one then the Jessem lift plate will provide not only a very smooth and precise lift mechanism but repeatability which is what I currently have issues with and precise incremental change. Here I think the Triton has another bonus, in a standard Kreg plate when fully raised for a bit change it stands 12mm above the plate so you should not require an extension when fitting to the Jessem lift plate where you lose 15mm if you can accept losing about 3mm of max lift(Theoretical). To do this you would remove the locking mechanism and fit a type 8 muscle chuck if you have the later machine with external chuck mounting threads.

Now if you don't have an existing router setup and are looking into possibily getting one then initially you will think £764 for the AUK machine in a Jessem
JessEm Mast-R-Lift II with remote switch and variable speed seems expensive, I did but the Jessem prestige is £335, a Triton Tra001 is £220 and the muscle chuck another £70 giving a total of £625, only £139 difference in the two setups!
The Bosch GMF 1600 CE dual-base router allows for above table height adjustment, but it is with a hex key that fits through a hole in the router table. It is just as fiddly as the Triton, but the motor is easy to remove from the base to change bits or use in the fixed base as a handheld router. I owned this router during my discovery days.
Hi all

I think having looked at whats around and now with more experience, knowing that a router is more than just a spinning cutter in a table that if I was buying a router setup tomorrow then it would be the AUK with JessEm Mast-R-Lift II . But already owning the Triton then putting this into the Jessem lifter will deliver very similar results in height adjustment. I have already examined the Tritons internals and can remove the speed controller and fit into a remote enclosure along with an on/off switch and a remote E stop using the existing three core cable from the router so externally it will look the same. End result will be all the functionality of the AUK but in an ugly orange format!
I have had use of the Axminster router lift and table. I would not buy one.
I consider the Jessem options to be distinctly better for not that much more money.

I think that in general it is hard to match what the Canadians and Americans are producing in terms of routing, woodworking tools and machinery, the Jessem and Incra routing products are in a class of there own and you also have the likes of Kreg and Woodpecker. The UJK stuff I find tends to be copies and when I first saw the UJK router lift I immediately disliked it because it uses four screws all turned by a chain and sprocket arrangement, to complex and OTT. The Jessem lifts use linear bearings and a single screw arrangement, and are beautifully engineered whilst not being complex so far less to go wrong.
The Axminster router table, fence etc... is all good, but that’s it, good, it is also freaking expensive. There’s a lot of the design that could be tweaked in the design to make it way better and also (amusingly) cheaper to make, so they’re really missing a trick. I’ve offered to help them, still awaiting the call...

The trend plate that accepts the T11 and accommodates the through table adjuster doesn’t fit the Axminster table, neither does the incra. The Axminster universal plate that does take the T11 has no hole, but you can drill it yourself. The universal mount is again sadly under-designed. Could be done cheaper and better

The Axminster router table, fence etc... is all good, but that’s it, good, it is also freaking expensive. There’s a lot of the design that could be tweaked in the design to make it way better and also (amusingly) cheaper to make, so they’re really missing a trick. I’ve offered to help them, still awaiting the call...

The trend plate that accepts the T11 and accommodates the through table adjuster doesn’t fit the Axminster table, neither does the incra. The Axminster universal plate that does take the T11 has no hole, but you can drill it yourself. The universal mount is again sadly under-designed. Could be done cheaper and better


I would be happy to take your call Aidan :) always looking to improve products through clever design.
I have had great success using a Trend T11 in combination with an Incra LS super system> been using this setup for nearly 5 years with no issues. I find adjusting the Trend a simple process.
I have had great success using a Trend T11 in combination with an Incra LS super system> been using this setup for nearly 5 years with no issues. I find adjusting the Trend a simple process.

Are you using the T11 with the pre drilled Incra 621625 plate or something else?
As for collet extensions I don’t agree with his comments but I’ve no doubt the quality of an extension will reflect in its use.
Doug, the comment I made about collet extensions is not just my opinion, it's also physics. The longer the shaft, the more any run-out is magnified. The greater the runout, the more wear on the bearings. If there is an extension that's perfectly balanced and runs true, the latter still applies, especially with larger bits - which tend to be used in a table. The more pressure put on an extended cutter, the more wear on the bearings.

The Triton was specifically designed for table use. The cooling fan outlets face sideways, preventing ingress of debris, even when stationary. The rack and pinion winding gear with its fine adjuster and the removable plunge spring (leave the cap off to allow debris to fall straight through) make height adjustment easy and the later addition of an above the table winder adds to the feature. The above-the-table bit changing is also specifically designed for table use and yet - in this thread - "advice" is being given to remove the auto lock safety switch. True, the linked article in the post states that this makes the router "more dangerous," but how many have read the linked article? Why would anyone make an already dangerous tool (as are most powered cutting tools) even more dangerous?

Years ago, I was headhunted by Triton UK as their Southern UK demonstrator, later being used as their router trouble-shooter by their Caerphilly HQ (now long gone). I've been a member of this forum for nearly 16 years and - over this time - I've seen some questionable advice given. Anything that involves more danger to users will get a response from me if I see the post, although I'm not on here as frequently as before. That's what happened here.

in this thread - "advice" is being given to remove the auto lock safety switch. True, the linked article in the post states that this makes the router "more dangerous," but how many have read the linked article? Why would anyone make an already dangerous tool (as are most powered cutting tools) even more dangerous?
If the switch interlock is such a necessary 'safety feature' perhaps you can tell me which other routers have a similar feature to prevent you from operating the power switch whilst the spindle is locked? Not one of my Elu, 2 Trends or 2 Makitas have such a feature.
If the switch interlock is such a necessary 'safety feature' perhaps you can tell me which other routers have a similar feature to prevent you from operating the power switch whilst the spindle is locked? Not one of my Elu, 2 Trends or 2 Makitas have such a feature.
They’re not designed specifically for table use. Bit changing uses a manual lock, as I recall, so the situation wouldn’t arise. Triton was a better design and I think Festool has a comparable lock.
I've been thinking. Since my OF1400 would be incompatible with a UJK Router Elevator there's no point in me buying the Elevator. So, I'm considering selling my OF1400! All I want, as a hobbyist, is a Router with compatible Elevator to fit onto my UJK Professional Table. Can anyone suggest the way I should go?
I've been thinking. Since my OF1400 would be incompatible with a UJK Router Elevator there's no point in me buying the Elevator. So, I'm considering selling my OF1400! All I want, as a hobbyist, is a Router with compatible Elevator to fit onto my UJK Professional Table. Can anyone suggest the way I should go?

Since you have the UJK Professional Table and the OF 1400, why not buy the UJK 10mm router plate and attach the OF 1400 to it? According to the chart from Axminster, the OF 1400 will fit on the plate.

MikeK: thanks for the reply. I do have the 10mm router plate, but find it very difficult to adjust the height. Am I missing something? The spring, as you probably know, is quite strong on the OF1400 - when the router is inverted in the table it seems the spring is even more powerful, thanks to Isaac Newton.
If mounting a router inverted the spring in the plunge mechanism is not needed, simple removed.

I have one of these mounted in a UJK lift and router table: HIKOKI M12VEJ6Z 240V 2000W 1/2" ROUTER working excellently for the last five or six years, got rid of the Triton as the interlock was a pain in the knees.
MikeK: thanks for the reply. I do have the 10mm router plate, but find it very difficult to adjust the height. Am I missing something? The spring, as you probably know, is quite strong on the OF1400 - when the router is inverted in the table it seems the spring is even more powerful, thanks to Isaac Newton.

Chris, here is a thread on the Festool Owners Group that describes the process to remove the spring from the OF 1400.

I would consider using the solution @MikeJhn described and buy an inexpensive plunge router for the UJK plate. This way you can keep your OF 1400 for hand-held use.
got rid of the Triton as the interlock was a pain in the knees.
It is only a pain in the knees if you don't remove it, just get rid. MikeK has the right idea, keep the OF1400 for handheld use and stick a cheap router such as the Triton in the table, this is why I use a Triton and not a Dewalt 625 simply because it is more expensive and better kept for handheld work . The issue with the UJK plate is that it is an odd size otherwise you could fit a Jessem Prestige router lift and the Triton for a good repeatable setup. In this case you remove the switch interlock and collet lock mechanism and fit a Muscle chuck. This is probably the best setup unless you go all out for the AUK setup.

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