TV repairs

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Established Member
18 Aug 2006
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Now here is a long shot. Have we got any TV repair people out there?

I have got a TV that is on the blink. It is a Thomson 28" flat screen (model 28WF45E).
The TV will come on...and then switch off, according to one website I found it will have
a "LED blink code" and it does. the code blinks are 1..2,12345.

Meaning it blinks 2 times and then 5.

Has anyone got any clues on this? Or should I bin it (not what I want to do).


I don't know about your specific blink code... but...

Most electronics since about 1990 use 'switch-mode' power supplies and voltage converters internally to change from one voltage to another - These switch-mode powere supplies rely on high-performance capacitors (Low Equivalent-Series-Resistance[ESR] ) - For a very long time, these Low ESR capacitors have been manufactured using a water-based electrolyte which dries up after a few years - Once the electrolyte dries up, the capacitors loose their ability to work properly, and the power supplies start to loose their ability to supply power at the correct voltage/current.

I've no idea of the actual blink code, but I would be totally unsurprised to find that it's an overcurrent/undervoltage condition. It would seem to fit with the behaviour of the TV turning on for a while before it decides that it's broken.

Sadly, in this throw-away society in which we live, it's probably far cheaper to buy a new TV than it is to pay someone to replace the faulty componenet(s)
Thanks Fecn.

I am determined not to bin this TV.There is enough waste in the landfill sites.
It is pretty amazing tho how I can not seem to find any info on the WWW about it!
Someone...somewhere must have had the same problem.

Thanks for your reply...appreciated.

Thanks for the replies.

I found out it is a faulty capacitor. It will cost around £50 to repair.



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