Tips for pouring paint/varnishes without mess.

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15 Mar 2020
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Does anyone have any tips for pouring paints or other liquids from tins without leaving a mess around the rim. I have seen a couple of youtube videos showing tape around the edges but this does not work for me. I have tried to clean around the lid many times but it just makes a mess and when i come back to its the dried parts break off into the liquid.
Thanks, i was hoping for some magic solution but it would appear speed is not the essence and i should be a little slower lol.

Also. Pair of old tights if you need to filter old paint after stirring works well.
Collect together a few old spoons and ladles of various sizes for transferring paint and varnish from tins. It's a lot slower than pouring, and there are some drips to wipe up, but far less mess than the aftermath of a pouring operation. Brush the bulk off the spoon after pouring, and wipe clean for next time.

(Tip - don't use the wife's best kitchen implements. This can lead to 'misunderstandings'.)
Suggesting that implements in the kitchen were "the wife's" would lead to a major misunderstanding in my house, and, I suspect, in many other households not stuck in the Dark Ages.
Just because we live north of Birmingham doesn't mean we're living in the Dark Ages, you know. There's even a rumour we'll be getting piped water next year.
Experience from 25 years as a paint chemist...

Full aperture paint tin - pour quickly and confidently to avoid the paint running down the side. When you stop pouring, slight rotation helps to break the stream cleanly. Push the paint from the gutter back into the tin with a brush, if using, or withe the edge of the lid if not.

Small aperture container (screw top type) - rotate tin so the opening is at the top. Pouring like this means you can tilt the can further before the liquid comes out so it doesn’t run down the side. It also allows air into the tin to replace the liquid so it pours in a constant stream rather than glugging.
I use the big ladle from the kitchen, it's one piece stainless steel one so cleaning is easy, I also use it when jam making.

nail 4 holes thru groove of paint can to let excess drip back into can, pour between two holes to keep paint t bay, add masking tape along edge and past holes or just use one of those can pour protectors and just let paint dry on it. Lid seals off holes when back on.
Does anyone have any tips for pouring paints or other liquids from tins without leaving a mess around the rim. I have seen a couple of youtube videos showing tape around the edges but this does not work for me. I have tried to clean around the lid many times but it just makes a mess and when i come back to its the dried parts break off into the liquid.

One word ...... Silver Foil

It's nice and bendy and mouldable.

Mould the foil around part of the rim.
Tuck it part ways inside the paint tin if needs be.

I generally don't tip the tins. Instead I use a large spoon or ladle to transfer the paint out to another container.
I mould a ledge on the silver foil, so that it forms a bridge between the two containers, and catches any drips from the transfer process.