T Walton widrawll from the 2011 challenge


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Established Member
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10 Nov 2006
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Boston Lincs
Hi Everyone

Time for me to say my bit

From memory I think T Walton ask to join the challenge early June my reply was yes thats fine so Tony was in

I had no idea Tony was a member of the RPT ( http://www.rpturners.co.uk/ ) and a professional turner offering tuition and club demonstrations

To my knowledge no other entrant in the Challenge are professionals so thought this could be significant advantage

Being concerned that this may be an unfair advantage I sent the following PM to Tony

Hello Tony

I would like to run this by you regarding the 2011 challenge I have running at the moment

I started the challenge in January 2011 requesting 12 projects to be completed on a monthly basis

When I saw the outstanding quality of your entry I thought WOW that's some serious hobby turner work , and after noticing your web sit link I clicked on the link

All then became clear that you are are professional turner a member of the RPT , Do tuition , and are prepared to do demonstrations all of witch are very good , I admire your work , but feel this puts you in a league well above our hobby turners ability

Several other Pro's on the UKW site offered help in Judging IE George Fowarker , Richard Findley , Mark Hancock etc but said they would take no part in the competition .

Now knowing the quality of your work I could see all the remaining awards going to you along with the overall winner title

I think you can see where I am coming from and will leave you to have a think and decide what happens

Hope you are OK with me sending this PM , its not meant to offend our upset



I sent this message in the interest of our regular entrants trying to keep everyone on a even plain

The following reply was received from Tony

Hi Allen,

The same thought crossed my mind when I made the box but decided to post it anyway and I agree with you that it is unfair to the others taking part , I’m willing to be removed from the competition as for me to continue would be unfair.

I’m not offended or upset by your PM, your welcome to PM me anytime

Regards Tony

So I made my views to Tony and he was in agreement

The only other way I can explain my concern is as follows

40 British touring car drivers all on the grid , All great drivers then comes a F1 Car

Hope this clears thing up

Fair do's now its all been explained. I thought we had a few pros in the comp.

Ill say that my comments to Tony and Mods in the other thread are redundant.

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