Sketchup Layout on a Mac Question

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Established Member
1 Feb 2006
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Nr. Tonbridge, Kent
I'm using the rather excellent Cutlist plugin for sketchup on a mac. I've read about the issues of the layout part not working well with Safari and have got as far producing a cutlist and a layout output to SVG file which I can then open in Chrome. However the cutlist seems to capture the different materials used in the sketchup drawing but the layout file is showing the materials as generic and not seperating them into each one. Is this a bug in the system or am I doing something wrong.
Many thanks for any help.
I'll need to do some checking. I so rarely use the lay out portion of the plugin that I don't know off the top of my head.

Is this with the lumber section or sheet materials section?
I just checked on my PC. It doesn't sort the lay out by materials there either. It's probably not a bug. It was probably just not designed to sort things that way. I've got an e-mail in to the author to find out and I'll report back when I hear.
Its the sheet section. I just want to make sure its sorting the different materials onto different sheets and that the total sheets needed is a correct figure.
Thanks Dave
It doesn't appear that the plugin currently sorts the layout by materials at all. No bug. It just doesn't do it. An alternative would be to create the cutlist lay out images in steps selecting first by one material, generating the layout images and then by the next material. I seem to remember a plugin that will allow you to select by material but I'll have to search to see if it is my imagination or it really exists.
Good news! You can get it to sort by materials. You need to tick the box for Layout By Materials. I forgot about it myself or I would have mentioned it earlier.

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