Shaper Origin handheld cnc

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Established Member
28 Aug 2016
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I don't know if people have seen the Shaper Origin which is cross between a router and a CNC, I am always impressed with how it works.

They have released a workstation for it and here is a video of it cutting some dovetails, looks a bit of a faff but I find it hard to get my head round how it does this without any kind of jig. Click the link then click "see in action"
friend has one, reckons it was about £3500, he loves it.
I can get a lot of CNC work done for £3500, not worth it for me.
My friend in Denmark has the Festool one from what he says it’s incredibly accurate even though it’s hand held, it knows where it is by reading the rows of tape, you control the machine but it controls the cutter & will react if you go off line.
When you consider the portability of what is a hand held cnc over massive static machines Sam Shapers design is truly awesome.
I've seen it promoted online,just as I've seen the Maslow. Both seem to be neither fish nor fowl costing a good bit more than a simple hand held router and lacking some of the useful features of a decent CNC.All in all I think I would rather have a small CNC with which to make jigs to use with a hand held router.If I happen to get the really big lottery win there will be a barn with a 20 foot by 10 foot by 5 foot 5 axis router in it.
I've got mixed feelings about this type of "CNC" it's one of those products where the pro's are absolutely amazing and the con's equally as bad. I guess it is dependent on your personal working circumstances.

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