Resin pics from Geoff

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Established Member
23 Jan 2007
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these are the first 2 pics of what geoff has been up to, he will give his explanation shortly..


  • resin.jpeg
    118.1 KB · Views: 1,183
  • resin2.jpeg
    106 KB · Views: 1,183
Once again many thanks to Steve for posting the photos for me. It's been a steep learning curve learning all about resins and I used the wrong type. I now have a new resin on it's way to me and the results will be a lot better than those in the photo. I made some little hearts as can be seen in the photo but I made them to thick. I have since made thinner ones and see a good use for these on certain plaques. I can see a good use for resins in future projects and I now have a variety of different coloured pigments also on their way to me. In the coming weeks I shall post a few other things where resin has helped enhance an item.
Very nice would like to try infill on some of my Tattoo cuts--- please let us know details when you are happy with results

Nice job, Geoff

Suspect resin infill is not for everyone - it will certainly accentuate any unevenness in the internal cut that otherwise you might have got away with.

Looks like you have mastered a further discipline to your craft in one go, despite your early misgivings, regarding the resin.

Good job, the name boards really stand out. =D>

It also looks as if you have wetted a few appetites, certainly given me something to think about.

Look forward to seeing further work using this method.

Take care.

Chris R.
Many thanks guys for your very kind comments. Steve. I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of smell from the resin but I was told to use it in aventilated area. I used a worktop in the kitchen that is by my back door and with the door and windows open I did notice any smell at all. Yes Chris, it seems to have wetted a few appetites. I have been at a craft fair all day. I took the names that are in the photo with me and they generated a lot of interest, people picked them up and seemed to study them wondering how it was all done.

When I left the craft fair I went round to see my new found friend who gave me several demonstrations of the techniques he uses and it was a very exciting couple of hours as I saw plain wood transformed into a thing of beauty. It means ordering more things but that will be for another day and I will certainly post the results. In the mean time I got home to find a huge parcel waiting for me. I ordered the stuff yesterday morning and was told it would take 3 days to arrive and here we are it all arrived today. I have had a brief look at all the various things in the parcel and could not be more pleased, it's al;most as though every item has been tailored to my needs and the quality is outstanding so tomorrow I will do a couple of names using the new resin.

If the work tomorrow proves to be a success I will do a video in the very near future and p[ost it on here so everyone interested can see how it is done.
Liking the use of resin. Can it be used outside? Thinking it would be great for a house name/number sign

Sean. Yes resin can be used outside, it's the same as they use to make boats. Name signs are a good idea, the range of possibilities are endless. At the moment I am working on things like animals and butterflies I can use to put on certain plaques. I have just seen a 3D butterfly done in resin and it's outstanding.
Hi Sean. I get everything I need from East Coast Fibreglass supplies, just type that into the search engine and it will come up. If you order some resin you will need general purpose resin, its the best for what I do and also the cheapest. If you need any more info don't hesitate to ask. All the best