Re-magnetise Eclipse Vee Blocks?

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Established Member
26 Apr 2017
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Is it possible? The base holds well but the V doesn't. I guess we don't just re-magnetise the whole thing of it won't turn off! They are rather old...

OK, I've opened one up. Do you think it's as simple as re-magnetising the cylindrical insert? I don't really know how these things work.

Never done it either but it's a magnetic circuit. There is iron in there whose job it is to "guide" the magnetism from the magnet to the surfaces where you want it, and there is the permanent magnet source.
If you have physical gaps, they won't conduct the magnetism as well as the iron, so slop, wear and tear over time might make a difference to how well it works. For the magnet itself, I'm not sure how you would remagnetise one of these high power magnets.

It looks like it has been tinkered with before you ? Is that a replacement lever ?
Two thoughts. If the bolt was welded onto the shaft they may have overheated the magnet. Magnets die at very low temperatures. Or could it have been reassembled in the wrong alignment ?
Yes, we just bought them recently, only £15 each so no great loss. The bases seem to hold ok but it's the V that's too weak to use. The second one hasn't had a repair and it's about the same strength. We'll definitely have a play with the alignment and look for gaps. And I thought re-magnetising would be simple but not so, apparently they should hold about 200kg, and we're not going to achieve anything like that - and I searched for a service that might do it for us but can't find anything. It seems a shame, they cost a small fortune when new!
As Sideways says these work by the magnet being in contact (much the same way as a "keep" in a horseshoe magnet. If there is too much gap you may be able to use a piece of steel shim. This will be better than an air gap but not as good as original
Is the column 90 degrees out of orientation? Ie the V magnet is rotating to the base and the base rotating when on to the side. Just a thought if someone has been messing not knowing how they work.
There seems to be decent contact, and I've tried rotating the column through 360 degrees and there's no point at which it's better. I wrote to Eclipse this morning to ask if they advise on re-magnetising, not had a reply yet. Not holding my breath :)

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