Possible £50 off stiles and bates turning course for two.


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Established Member
19 Nov 2012
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My wife booked me into a turning course in June this year, we were going together as a present to me, and a confidence builder for her, as she thought she'd like to know more and be able to have a go, with all the tools available out in my workshop.

Unfortunately we've both had a spell of truly crappy health, and decided to give up on the trip, since it's a very long way from our home in Elgin, and with our limitations to consider, the 2 day course would have been at least 4-5 days away for us. I've already paid the deposit, and as far as I'm aware, I'm due to simply lose it for cancelling, so, I thought if anyone here is interested, I can give them a phone and transfer my booking to you, you'd get £50 off the price of the course, from my having already paid your deposit.

No strings attached, I'd just rather see the slots get used than go empty.

If I hear from anyone interested by Monday, I'll call them and see what I can arrange.

They seem a lovely company, and the course is a refresher / beginner level, though it's with a small group and the tutor there with you, so they assured me that even if I'm more intermediate, they'd not let me get bored :) - I'm sure the same would go for anyone else.

Further details here: http://www.stilesandbates.co.uk/browse.php/section/7037/level/4 off the top of my head, I'm not certain if it's for the 5th and 6th or the 20th and 21st that we've booked, but I'll get back with that detail later. Remaining to be paid by you, assuming they agreed, would be just £165 for the two days.

I hope someone can make use of it.

I hope someone can make use of it. I do like the company, so I don't begrudge them getting the £100 from me for letting them down, but it was to be possibly the nicest gift I've ever had, and I'd feel better knowing someone in the community benefited in some way, than that it sort of ceased to exist, like so much has, thru health problems over the years.

Ok morose thoughts and self pity over, the dates are definitely the 5th and 6th.

Any takers?


That is a really nice offer to the forum. I wish I could spare the time to take you up on it.

I hope you and your wife feel better soon.

Best wishes


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