Old handsaws?


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Established Member
10 Mar 2010
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I`ve seen a few old rusty examples at boot fairs and on the dreaded Ebay and was just wondering if people might be able to give me a few pointers as to what makes of old saws are good and what sort of thing to look out for.
Currently my handsaws consist of a B & Q stanley tenon saw and a few mixed rip saws.
I am slowly building up my collection of hand tools and would like to get probably a tenon and a dovetail.

Any hints tips or advice gladly received!

hi, if i was looking to buy decent old handsaws, i would look for the tyzac or disston name.

then again i am sure someone will be along soon with some more information.
There's plenty of good ones out there and plenty of bad but the maker has less to do with it than the condition.

Sharp is not important - with these type of saws they need regular sharpening anyway so it would be like buying a car just because it has a full tank of petrol. If you drop Megan an email: [email protected] she will send you a pdf of our saw sharpening instructions - which reminds me I must get some of those fine tooth somax saw sets in.

What is important is a straight blade, with folded backs you can reset the blade a bit by banging the back on a solid surface, but if it's properly bent it's good for nothing but hanging on a wall.

A bright blade or one that isn't badly pitted and can be brought back to brightness is useful as you can use it to establish cutting angles

Handles can be remade if you have the time and inclination, but if you just want to get it working it's nice to have a solidly attached handle.
Hi - I got a couple at a boot sale for £7 the pair - brass backs one a tyzak and one a spear and jackson with tiny teeth which I use for dovetails

one (Tyzak) was straight the other a bit kinked both had well bad teeth blunt and the odd one missing or worn to nothing

gave them to the saw doctor came back perfect for £9 each result - i can keep them sharp myself now

so i'd recommend a bootsale and a saw doctor


Hi Stoatyboy,

as I get many requests to sharpen saws from other people, I would like to know your saw doctor. I would forward his name to the requests.

Cheers Pedder
Hi Pedder,

I used
The Saw Rite Company Ltd
Unit 12 Thorgate road
Lineside Industrial estate
West Sussex
BN17 7LU

I have no hesitation recommending them - they always seem really busy but there's always someone to help - they seem to do mainly massive industrial saws and bits but are perfectly happy to do hand saws and planer blades as well.

I picked up some planer blades from them today and asked about the saws and they said they will send them away if the blades need re grinding and setting - but if it is just sharpening they do it there.

I must say I was well pleased with my back saws they did - but they were my first ever back saws so don't have anything to compare to - but as I say I get good vibes from them.

hope that helps

Hi Pete,

thank you for the answer, I will forward the adress to coming requests.
