Now how about Spray Foam Insulation for your SHED ! ?

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Established Member
21 Nov 2014
Reaction score
West Sussex England
Just came across one of the ---- you must spray foam your attic under the tiles to get great energy savings adverts ------
IMO its the worst thing you can do to a house roof - and I'm not to do a pros and cons but for a shed? Sounds bonkers but why not?
Anyone tried it or have any thoughts about it?
My first workshop had a profiled sheet roof that I had sprayed with about 4" of foam. I had 6" purlins, so there was still 2" left to hang things from and to fix lights to. Worked a treat, but it was rather expensive, I was just lucky that the local chap owed me a favour and did me a good deal. A few years after it was done I had a heavy beech branch fall onto the shed, shattered all the strip lights and knocked them off the beams they were screwed to, along with everything else, but the sheets had only very minor damage. Though the insulation had cracked, it saved the shed, so it's really strong stuff and it made a hell of a difference in the depths of winter.
On my current workshop and office, I took the easier and cheaper route of fixing insulated roof sheets, but if it's a retro-fit, then the spray on stuff would do it nicely. Make sure to paint it white as soon as you can, or it quickly goes that horrid orange old fixer foam colour.
Not horrendous, but not much short of it considering its cost and high voc content.
I'd give the shed about 3 months without use and plenty of ventilation to let the fumes dissipate,they can be noxious and some have adverse nasty reactions to it.

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